
Tivvy, a male smuggler of the Sullustan species, made his home on the planet of Sullust. In the year 0 ABY, not long after the famous Battle of Yavin, he guided Princess Leia Organa from the Alliance to Restore the Republic, along with [Evaan Verlaine](/article/evaan_verlaine], a rebel pilot, and R2-D2, the astromech droid, to the Alderaan Enclave on Sullust. As the group of rebels got close to their destination, they were suddenly attacked by a squad of the enclave's inhabitants, but the residents were defeated. Following this, Organa and her allies proceeded into the enclave, leaving Tivvy behind.


Tivvy, Leia Organa, Evaan Verlaine, and R2-D2 were ambushed by the Alderaanian survivors.

During the war between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Tivvy, a Sullustan male working as a smuggler, resided on the planet Sullust. In the period shortly following the Battle of Yavin in 0 ABY, Princess Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance journeyed to Sullust. Her purpose was to rescue survivors from Alderaan, her homeworld that had been destroyed by the Empire. Organa, accompanied by [Evaan Verlaine](/article/evaan_verlaine], a rebel pilot, and R2-D2, an astromech droid, hired Tivvy to guide them to the Alderaan Enclave located on Sullust.

While en route, Tivvy cautioned the rebel group, expressing his belief that the enclave's inhabitants had lost their sanity, citing their complete cessation of communication with the outside. Organa then inquired about how the Alderaanians had come to possess the land on which the enclave was constructed. However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by an ambush from a squad of soldiers originating from the enclave. These soldiers demanded the rebels surrender their weaponry, but Organa and her comrades successfully disarmed them. Subsequently, she proceeded into the enclave without Tivvy, where she eventually managed to convince the members of the enclave to join her in her mission.

Personality and traits

Tivvy possessed [black](/article/color] eyes and fair skin. He communicated in a language distinct from Galactic Basic Standard, necessitating translation by Evaan Verlaine. Furthermore, he made an effort to be diplomatic in his wording when suggesting that the Alderaanians residing on Sullust were mentally unstable.


Tivvy's attire consisted of layered clothing in shades of red and brown.

Behind the scenes

Tivvy's initial appearance was in the third issue of the Star Wars: Princess Leia comic-book series. This issue, penned by Mark Waid and illustrated by Terry Dodson, was published by Marvel Comics on April 29, 2015. Leading up to the comic's release, StarWars.com featured him in a preview of the issue on April 23 of the same year.

