Princess Leia 3

Princess Leia #3 represents the third installment in the five-part comic book series Star Wars: Princess Leia published by Marvel. This issue, penned by Mark Waid and illustrated by Terry Dodson, saw its release on April 29, 2015.

The narrative of this issue follows Princess Leia Organa alongside Rebel pilot Evaan Verlaine as they press forward with their mission: to save those who survived the destruction of the doomed planet Alderaan. Their quest brings them to a community of Alderaanians located on the volcanic world of Sullust, all while being closely pursued by the forces of the Galactic Empire.

Publisher's Synopsis

Plot Synopsis

The luxury yacht known as Lord Junn is in orbit around Sullust, a planet situated in the Outer Rim. Onboard, Tace communicates via hologram with her sister Tula, who assures Tace that she should be honored to serve alongside Princess Leia Organa. The siblings then promise to reunite.

Tula informs Commander Dreed of the Imperial forces that the Princess has discovered an Alderaanian enclave situated within a cave system formed by the Mayjein Eruption on the planet [Alderaan](/article/alderaan]. Although Dreed is pleased with Tula's manipulation of her sister, he still questions her allegiance due to her continued affection for Tace.

At the Alderaan Enclave, Jora Astane, the Preserver, is alerted to a breach at auxiliary hatch three by Covis. Covis presents a datapad, informing the Preserver about Princess Leia's arrival. Consequently, the Preserver instructs her men to deploy a rifle squad.

Concurrently, Nien Nunb, the local Sullustan guide, explains to Princess Leia and Evaan Verlaine that the Alderaanians residing on Sullust have lost their sanity. Verlaine clarifies that the Alderaanian enclave has severed contact with the outside world. Utilizing resources acquired through smuggling, the Alderaanians were able to purchase the land.

The trio is ambushed by armed guards, but Leia, Verlaine, and R2-D2 swiftly disarm them using hand-to-hand combat. Leia instructs the disarmed guards to rise, asserting that she will enter the compound not as a prisoner but as their Princess. Leia, her companions, and the guards then proceed into the Alderaan Enclave, where they are greeted by Preserver Jora Astane.

Leia informs a skeptical Jora that she intends to evacuate the Alderaanian survivors using the pleasure ship Lord Junn. As evidence, Leia requests that Jora allow R2-D2 to upload the ship's coordinates. Jora reluctantly agrees, instructing Covis to extract every piece of data from the ship, including weapons profiles, navigation history, and transmissions. Verlaine counters by urging Jora to trust the Princess.

Jora introduces her guest to the Eyewell, the central hub of their surveillance operation within the Sullust system. When Leia inquires about the enclave's activities on Sullust, the Preserver claims that they provide cultural services such as food, education, and arts. However, Leia accuses the group of smuggling. Jora responds by questioning which is more reprehensible: breaking Imperial laws or creating them?

Verlaine criticizes Jora's group for commodifying Alderaan's traditions and arts. The Preserver tells Leia to control her "pet." Leia instructs Verlaine not to provoke them, reminding her that they are fellow Alderaanians. The Eyewell intercepts a transmission from the Lord Junn indicating the discovery of a traitor onboard. Suspecting that Leia and Verlaine are Imperial spies, the Preserver orders her men to open fire.

In the midst of the ensuing gun battle, Leia manages to transmit a message to the Lord Junn, instructing them to jump to lightspeed. However, Uwa Pareece refuses to abandon Leia and Verlaine. At that moment, the Lord Junn's sensors detect an Imperial Sentinel-class landing craft. With R2-D2's assistance, Leia and Verlaine escape the armed guards by fleeing down a manhole leading to a former waterway inhabited by rockrenders.

While Leia is disheartened and questions her decisions, Verlaine encourages the Princess not to blame herself. Suddenly, R2-D2 speeds away. Although Verlaine believes the astromech droid has deserted them, Leia assures the pilot that R2-D2 has a plan. As smugglers battle stormtroopers above, R2-D2 arrives in a speeder with rockrenders in pursuit. R2-D2 guides the rockrenders through the tunnel leading back to the Alderaan Enclave.

The rockrenders attack the stormtroopers, seeking to consume their armor, which is composed of dense minerals. With assistance from Leia, Verlaine, and the rockrenders, Jora's Enclave gains the advantage. Meanwhile, Commander Dreed learns about the loss of his platoon but decides against sending reinforcements, hoping to discover the Princess's destination and impart a "thing or two about combat" to the Empire.

Leia discovers Jora tending to a fallen comrade. To Leia's surprise and delight, Jora instructs her followers to kneel before their Princess. Jora apologizes for responding to Leia's good faith with suspicion. However, Leia thanks her for remaining vigilant, as they have a spy to apprehend.



