Covis, an Alderaanian male human, resided in the Alderaan Enclave located on Sullust, a planet characterized by volcanic activity, during the Galactic Civil War. Following a stormtrooper assault from which Princess Leia Organa, R2-D2, and Evaan Verlaine, a pilot of a starfighter, rescued the Alderaan Enclave's inhabitants, Covis became part of Organa's mission aimed at saving the surviving Alderaanians. Despite harboring doubts regarding some of her choices, he maintained his allegiance to Organa.
Covis was a member of the Alderaan Enclave led by Preserver Jora Astane on the planet of Sullust; Astane had acquired land through smuggling operations to establish this exclusive enclave. In the wake of Alderaan's destruction, Covis was on duty at the security monitor when a member of the Enclave reported a security breach at auxiliary hatch three. Astane initially dismissed the alarm, suspecting it was a diversion, but Covis pointed out that Princess Leia Organa, the heir to Alderaan's throne, was among the intruders. Subsequently, Astane deployed a rifle squad that apprehended Organa, R2-D2, and Evaan Verlaine, the starfighter pilot, bringing them to the Alderaan Enclave's command center.
When Organa attempted to assure Astane of her genuine intentions to gather Alderaan's survivors, Astane instructed Covis to extract all data from R2 and her ship, the Lord Junn, including weapons profiles, navigation logs, and transmissions. During Astane's tour of the Eyewell with her guests, Covis discovered that Tace, one of Organa's passengers, had been communicating with her sister Tula, who was stationed on an Imperial cruiser. Suspecting Organa and Verlaine of treachery, Astane ordered their death, but the rebels escaped through a hatch that led to a rockrender den. Shortly thereafter, Imperial Commander Dreed sent a platoon of stormtroopers to invade the Alderaan Enclave. With R2's assistance, Organa and Verlaine released a pack of rockrenders on the stormtroopers, who devoured their mineral-rich armor. In gratitude, Astane and her followers, including Covis, bowed before their Queen.
Once aboard the Lord Junn, Covis and Astane located Tace, the alleged spy, and presented her in chains to Organa. Despite Astane's conviction of Tace's guilt, Organa instructed them to leave while she interrogated Tace to determine her innocence or guilt. In private, Astane complained that Organa was portraying her as a criminal. Covis, acting as a witness, remarked that Astane had been obsequious to Organa all "week" and urged her to make a decision.
During Covis and Astane's absence, Organa determined that Tace was innocent and identified her sister Tula as the Imperial spy. When Tace exposed Tula, Dreed threatened to execute her unless Organa surrendered to Imperial custody. Before Organa's departure to the desert planet Skaradosh, Covis questioned Organa's plan, but she remained resolute and asked if he would accompany her. Upon hearing Organa tell R2 that she would see him on the "other side," Covis and another follower assumed Organa was going to die, with his companion joking about her going to droid heaven.
During the flight to Skaradosh, Covis and his co-pilot manned the controls while Organa tearfully instructed Tace via computer to find the strength and purpose to live without her. When Covis chuckled, Organa noticed, and Covis apologized. When Organa inquired about the noise, Covis explained that Dreed's Star Destroyer was using its sensors on them. On Skaradosh, Covis and his companion accompanied Organa when she met with Dreed to facilitate the exchange. Tula was released in exchange for Organa's surrender. Covis and his companion then escorted Tula to their T-1 shuttle.
However, Organa's "surrender" was a deception. Verlaine arrived in the Mellcrawler and attacked Dreed and his men, resulting in the Imperial commander's death. Covis, along with Organa, Tula, and his companion, escaped aboard the Mellcrawler, where they were joined by R2 and the Sullustan Nien Nunb. The group evaded the Empire by launching a decoy ship. Covis and the others then journeyed to Espirion, where they joined an Alderaanian refugee armada. Although Venk, Dreed's second-in-command, attacked the refugee flotilla, the Alderaanians were rescued by Chief Beon Beonel, the leader of the Alder-Espirion, who deployed the warship Espirion Multi.
Covis was a human male characterized by dark skin, a black beard, and a black mustache. He typically wore brown robes and a distinctive wide headgear. Initially, Covis harbored distrust towards Organa due to intercepting an Imperial transmission aboard her starship Lord Junn. However, he, along with Astane, submitted to Organa after she saved them from an Imperial assault. Subsequently, Organa's refusal to condemn Tace, the alleged spy, without confirming her innocence led Covis and Astane to question her leadership.
Covis was critical of Organa's decision to trade her freedom for the life of Tula, the Imperial spy. He believed she was setting herself up for failure. Despite his skepticism, Covis remained loyal to Organa and accompanied her to the prisoner exchange, which ultimately proved to be a ruse orchestrated by Organa to free Tula and escape Dreed's grasp.
Covis made his debut appearance in the 2015 Marvel Star Wars comic series Star Wars: Princess Leia. The character was created by Mark Waid, with illustrations by Terry Dodson, inks by Rachel Dodson, and colors by Jordie Bellaire.