Tu-Wane Jipps, a musician from the Volpai species, found himself entangled in the criminal underworld as a gambling associate of Tobias Beckett. Following some unfortunate events on Malkii, he incurred a debt to Beckett and also amassed obligations to the Hutts. Jipps was eventually captured by the notorious Winds of Ruin, who coerced him into performing music for their entertainment, until Beckett and his crew orchestrated his rescue. In the aftermath of his escape from the Winds of Ruin, Jipps played a tune on his valachord for Beckett and his comrades.

Tu-Wane Jipps, a male Volpai musician, became involved in gambling with Tobias Beckett, a criminal who headed his own gang which included his partner Val and pilot Rio Durant. Due to a bad situation on Malkii, Jipps ended up owing Beckett a significant favor. He also found himself deeply in debt to the Hutts. Sometime before Beckett's death in 10 BBY, Jipps was taken prisoner by the criminal organization known as the Winds of Ruin, who forced him to play music for them at their headquarters.
After a time since Jipps and Beckett last met, Beckett overheard members of the Winds of Ruin in a cantina talking about having Jipps and intentionally provoked a fight with them so he could be captured and brought to where Jipps was being held. Not knowing Beckett wanted to free Jipps, Val then helped Beckett escape from jail and agreed to assist him in recovering a "shipment" that the Winds of Ruin had stolen. Beckett then took her to a room where the musician was performing on a red ball jett organ for a group of Winds of Ruin members as they gambled.

Beckett and Val subdued the thugs, and Beckett reminded Jipps of the favor he owed, also threatening to contact the Hutts if Jipps didn't cooperate. Val then fought more thugs outside the room before the three of them took a turbolift to the penthouse of the building. In the lift, Val criticized Beckett for choosing to rescue Jipps, who tried not to interrupt the argument but eventually pointed out that there was another lift leading to the penthouse as more thugs came out of it. Before the thugs could attack, one of the penthouse's walls was destroyed, revealing Durant in the open bay door of a starship.
Jipps, Val, and Beckett quickly boarded the ship and fled. The group then went to a plain, where Beckett revealed that he had rescued Jipps so that the musician could play a valachord for Val. Durant, Beckett, and Val then sat with drinks on blankets around a campfire and listened to the musician play. As they enjoyed their drinks, Beckett mentioned to Val that they could still hand Jipps over to the Hutts for 15,000 credits.
Jipps was a member of a bipedal species with four limbs, exhibiting reddish-brown and light brown skin. Notably, he possessed four eyes.
At the Winds of Ruin base, Jipps played a red ball jet organ. Upon his escape, he carried a valachord in a black case. He was dressed in a white and brown tunic, blue pants, and brown boots.
Tu-Wane Jipps made an appearance in the comic story "Tales of Villainy: Credits," featured in Star Wars Adventures (2020) 4, which was released on March 24, 2021. The story was penned by Jordan Clark and brought to life by the illustrations of Yael Nathan.