
TV-94, a T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, functioned within the naval forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the leadership of Kaleesh General Grievous during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, this tactical droid was stationed on Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer flagship, where he aided his commander in an attack targeting the Steadfast, a Galactic Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer serving as the flagship of Jedi General Eeth Koth close to the Saleucami system. Following the Jedi Master's capture, the Kaleesh transported him to the planet Saleucami, with TV-94 accompanying the general on his destroyer, where they devised a plan to draw the Republic forces to Saleucami.

Shortly after their arrival above Saleucami, Grievous's fleet was assaulted by a Republic fleet under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker arriving shortly thereafter. When Kenobi arrived, TV-94 was put in charge of Grievous's flagship while the Kaleesh boarded Kenobi's Arquitens-class light cruiser Surrogator with the intention of killing his opponent. Shortly after, the tactical droid was caught off guard by Generals Skywalker and Adi Gallia on the bridge, resulting in a brief battle between the Jedi and a number of BX-series droid commandos. Despite TV-94's attempts to stop the Jedi, Skywalker destroyed the tactical droid as they freed Koth and got ready to leave the destroyer.


TV-94 issues orders to a pair of commando droids.

After Jedi Master Eeth Koth was captured by General Grievous, he was held as a prisoner by the Jedi on the bridge of a Recusant-class light destroyer, which was serving as the General's flagship at that time. Aboard the flagship, TV-94 acted as General Grievous' tactical advisor and second-in-command. TV-94 notified Grievous that they had entered the Saleucami system.

Soon after, the Galactic Republic started a mission aimed at rescuing Koth. A Republic fleet got to Saleucami and fought Grievous' fleet. TV-94 warned that they should proceed with caution because the Republic's Venator-class Star Destroyers had a speed advantage over their vessels. After it became obvious that Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi was in charge of the Republic fleet, Grievous quickly came to the conclusion that Kenobi's strategy was probably to cause a diversion while Anakin Skywalker, who frequently fought alongside Kenobi, would make an attempt to save Koth.

Grievous used a tractor beam to trap Kenobi's command ship and connected their ships using a docking tube. Grievous, along with a group of MagnaGuards and battle droids, went through the docking tube to board Kenobi's ship and confront the Jedi Master, leaving TV-94 in command of the bridge and responsible for guarding Koth. Shortly after, Skywalker and fellow Jedi Adi Gallia used a shuttle to secretly board Grievous' flagship. The two quickly got to the bridge and confronted TV-94. Skywalker grinned because they had the element of surprise, but TV-94 simply said that it was "not exactly" a surprise before ordering the BX-series droid commandos to surround the Jedi. He then made fun of the Jedi for using a tactic that was impressive but ultimately too predictable.

TV-94 holds his amputated right arm.

TV-94 used a remote that was connected to his right arm to send electric shockwaves to Koth, and he threatened to deliver a fatal shockwave if Skywalker and Gallia took even one step closer. However, Skywalker quickly used the Force to pull the droid toward him and cut off his right arm with his lightsaber. Following this, the droid commandos launched an attack on the Jedi. TV-94 made many attempts to get his severed arm back during the fight. He almost succeeded twice, but a droid commando accidentally kicked it away the first time, and Gallia knocked him over the second time by using the Force. After the Jedi had destroyed all of the droids, he finally got it back and got ready to deliver a fatal shockwave to Koth, only to realize that while he was holding the remote in his single remaining arm, he didn't have an arm left to push the button. Skywalker then cut him in half, which effectively destroyed him.

Personality and traits

TV-94 was impressed by Grievous' prediction, even for his standard. He also showed confusion when he realized that he couldn't push the button to kill Koth because he didn't have an arm.

Behind the scenes

TV-94 made his debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Grievous Intrigue." Matt Lanter, who also provided the voice for Anakin Skywalker in the series, provided TV-94's voice.

