Unidentified bounty hunter (Greef Karga)

A member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild was a bounty hunter circa 9 ABY. The Guild agent Greef Karga denied the bounty hunter further holopucks after the hunter failed in their target acquisition. After the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin saved "the Child," the bounty hunter, along with Karga and other hunters, tried to stop the Mandalorian, but they were unsuccessful.


The bounty hunter later became affiliated with the Bounty Hunters' Guild. The bounty hunter was present at the cantina on Nevarro, a planet, around 9 ABY. It was there that the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin collected a bounty from Guild agent Greef Karga. At a later point, the hunter accepted a bounty from Karga, but failed to capture the target. He then argued with the agent, attempting to justify his failure, but his request for more holopucks was denied.

The bounty hunter and the Bounty Hunters' Guild surrounded the Mandalorian.

After the Mandalorian rescued the being known as "the Child," the bounty hunter observed that their tracking fob activated, along with other hunters' fobs, when the Child was nearby. The Guild, led by Karga, began to encircle the Mandalorian as he attempted to escape in his starship, the Razor Crest. When the Mandalorian opened fire, the bounty hunter and the Guild engaged him, trying to recapture the Child. When the Mandalorian started using his Amban phase-pulse blaster, the bounty hunters sought cover. The bounty hunter took cover behind a pile of crates, but advanced with the other bounty hunters. The Guild's efforts were foiled by the arrival of a tribe of Mandalorians, who assisted the Mandalorian's escape.

Personality and traits

The bounty hunter was a speaker of huttese. The hunter became enraged while disputing with Karga regarding the unsuccessful bounty, attempting to defend their actions and demanding additional pucks.


The blaster pistol was the weapon of choice for the bounty hunter while a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.

Behind the scenes

The bounty hunter made their debut appearance in The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau's 2019 Disney+ television series, in the first episode which was broadcast on November 12, 2019. The costume used for the character originated from "Saucer Head," a character featured in Solo: A Star Wars Story, a 2018 Star Wars Anthology Series film.

