Unidentified chorus girl

A Twi'lek female plied her trade as a chorus girl for the Hutt Clan during the era of the Clone Wars. After the Grand Hutt Council saw to the imprisonment of Ziro the Hutt, the chorus girl, along with a pair of other dancers, put on a show for the Council alongside the singer Sy Snootles. Once the performance was over, the chorus girl informed Snootles that Ziro was being held captive, which then motivated the Pa'lowick to pay the Hutt a visit.


The chorus girl dances in a show for the Hutt Council.

During the Clone Wars, a Twi'lek female was employed by the Hutt Clan as a chorus girl. At Gardulla the Hutt's Palace, located on the planet of Nal Hutta, in 21 BBY, the Grand Hutt Council had Ziro the Hutt imprisoned because he refused to reveal the location of a holodiary containing records of their illicit activities. Following this event, the chorus girl, together with two other dancers, participated in an elaborate performance for the Council.

With Rangthang, a DJ, providing the music, the three Twi'leks danced in synchronization before the Hutts in the palace's throne room. They soon formed a single line, from behind which the Pa'lowick singer Sy Snootles emerged. As Snootles began to sing, the trio of chorus girls knelt down and continued their dance as the Pa'lowick moved around the chamber. After a synchronized twirl, the Twi'leks struck a final pose as Snootles completed her song and the music ended.

The chorus girl converses with Sy Snootles following their performance.

After the performance, while the chorus girl was adjusting their makeup, Snootles joined them. They both commented on the audience's positive reaction to their show. The Twi'lek added that the Council's imprisoning of Ziro only seemed to improve the mood. Snootles expressed surprise at Ziro's presence at the palace, who was her former lover, and told the chorus girl that she needed to step outside as she left to see the Hutt.

Personality and traits

The chorus girl, a member of the Twi'lek species, possessed beige skin, red eyes, and tattoos on their abdomen. These tattoos were designed to mimic the wrinkles of a Hutt.


For the performance before the Hutt Council after Ziro's confinement, the chorus girl donned a gray dancing-girl costume with stockings, along with a large headdress. The headdress, adorned with twenty-one red feathers, was crafted to resemble her Hutt masters as a sign of respect. The chorus girl displayed the emblem of the Desilijic crime family and the colors of Jabba Desilijic Tiure in his honor. Dark makeup was also applied to their lekku to further emulate a Hutt's features. Leather straps were wrapped around each of the chorus girl's stockings, running down their legs and forming shoes.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the chorus girl and her fellow dancers performing

The chorus girl made their debut in "Hunt for Ziro," the ninth episode of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' third season, which was broadcast on November 12, 2010. Credited as "Chorus Girl," the character was voiced by Angelique Perrin. Later in "Hunt for Ziro," two Twi'leks, who are visually identical to the chorus girl, appear together. However, this article does not assume that either of them is the same chorus girl who performed for the Hutts. Dave Filoni, the Supervising Director of The Clone Wars, and Darren Marshall, the series designer, conceived the Hutt-inspired headdresses worn by the chorus girls in the episode. The musical number in which the chorus girl participated was inspired by the opening scene of the 1984 film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

A model sheet by Marshall, featuring the chorus girl, was included in the Jedi Temple Archives special features for "Hunt for Ziro" on the third season Blu-ray release of The Clone Wars. The sheet revealed that the models for all three chorus girls were reused and retextured versions of one of Orn Free Taa's Twi'lek escorts from the second season episode "Voyage of Temptation." Furthermore, it was noted that the chorus girls' outfits bore a resemblance to the "slave Leia bikini," an outfit worn by Leia Organa in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

