Around 3 ABY, subsequent to the droids' devastation, Ajax Sigma, the droid warrior-priest, fashioned a novel droid entity utilizing the Spark Eternal AI.
The Ascendant originally conceived the artificial intelligence known as the Spark Eternal for deployment against the Sith during ancient epochs. Approximately around 3 ABY, the Spark was rediscovered beneath the University of Bar'leth. It then seized control of Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra's form and aligned itself with Lady Qi'ra in her endeavor to eradicate the Sith. During the Amaxine Station conflict, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, forcibly extracted the Spark from Aphra's body, and Sana Starros' team prevented its reattachment. The weakened Spark sought sanctuary within a diminutive spider-droid released by the Fermata Cage. After the Knights of Ren thwarted Qi'ra's strategy to confine Vader and Darth Sidious within the Fermata Cage, both Sith departed the Amaxine Space Station, as did Starros's crew. However, through the droid, the Spark Eternal encountered a fellow being wronged by the Sith: this ancient droid had been imprisoned in the Fermata Cage for its repeated attempts to propagate itself, which had terrified the ancient Sith.

The Spark Eternal and the ancient droid fused, becoming the entity known as the Scourge. Driven by insatiable hunger, the Scourge extended its influence across the galaxy, assimilating numerous droids and later cyborgs, with the ultimate objective of achieving omnipresence during the droid scourge. Because its expansion into other droids subjugated their autonomy, reducing them to mere extensions of itself rather than granting them individual existence, the Second Revelation, a sentient droid church led by the former droid revolutionary Ajax Sigma, opposed the Scourge. The Second Revolution's initial assault on the Scourge resulted in failure, eliminating all church members except Sigma. However, Sigma then allied with D-Squad for a subsequent offensive. Just as the Scourge discovered how to infect fully organic beings and proclaimed its intention to evolve into a new iteration of the Force, Sigma struck down the Scourge's core body with his blade, thus neutralizing the threat and liberating all droids, cyborgs, and organic beings from its dominion. Sigma's sword also extracted the Spark Eternal from the Scourge.
Following the conflict, Sigma extended an invitation to D-Squad's members to join his church, which they declined. The assassin droid 0-0-0 also cautioned him against becoming a threat that would necessitate their intervention. Armed with his sword and the essence of the Spark Eternal, Sigma journeyed back to the planetoid Mechis III, where his church had established its operational base within the Colony of the Second Revelation. Sigma fashioned a new body for the Spark Eternal and engaged in conversation with it, confessing that he harbored no animosity towards it. He reasoned that the Spark, like himself, was a sentient machine intelligence and therefore an object of his affection. Sigma implanted the Spark within a droid seed of mind and subsequently placed that within the body, promising the Spark a new existence.

The newly awakened droid promptly inquired about their whereabouts and their very nature. Sigma assured them that he would impart all necessary knowledge. As he assisted the droid in standing, Sigma elucidated the doctrines of the Second Revelation, acknowledging that it would initially be just the two of them until other sentient droids either discovered them or they constructed their own. Ultimately, Sigma pledged that they would collectively determine a course of action for all the envisioned droids of the galaxy, in accordance with the third revelation. This would be followed by a novel tenet inspired by recent occurrences: the fourth revelation, "all," which he introduced by presenting the new droid with a spider-droid, the very device the Scourge had employed to infect and propagate itself.
The droid that Ajax Sigma constructed from the Spark Eternal possessed a body composed of green metal, augmented by reddish-brown plating. The droid's photoreceptors emitted a purple glow, mirroring the photoreceptors of the Scourge and the sensors of the spider-droid Sigma presented to them. Upon its creation, the droid exhibited curiosity, initially questioning its location and origins before inquiring about its fundamental identity. The droid attentively absorbed Sigma's explanation of the tenets of the Second Revelation.
The droid made its debut in the concluding panels of Dark Droids 5.