An excursion liner was the property of the Chiss Ascendancy's Boadil family, one of the Nine Ruling Families of the Ascendancy, and was captained by a member of the Ruling Ufsa family. The liner was designed with a compact, cylindrical structure, featuring two expansive D-shaped wings on each side that contained opulent passenger suites. On one of the liner's journeys before 19 BBY, the captain steered the vessel dangerously close to a gas giant, resulting in the liner being ensnared by its gravity well with 8,000 individuals on board.
Mitth'raw'nuru, a Senior Commander and the commanding officer of the Chiss patrol ship Boco, received an urgent distress signal from the luxurious liner and initiated an attempt to rescue the vessel and its 8,000 passengers. However, the liner's considerable mass proved too great for the Boco, rendering its tractor beams ineffective in preventing the ship from being pulled into the planet's gravitational field. Thrawn then contacted Irizi'ar'alani, the Senior Captain in command of the Parala, requesting their assistance.
The liner's occupants, both crew and passengers, had been moved to a vacuum-sealed central section of the ship, away from the luxurious areas. Thrawn's Boco then utilized its laser weaponry to detach the luxury wings from the liner, significantly reducing its overall mass. This reduction allowed the combined strength of the Boco's and the Parala's tractor beams to successfully rescue the passengers, crew, and the central compartment of the liner. Through this action, Ziara and Thrawn were able to save the lives of 8,000 civilians, including Aristocra from at least five of the Nine Ruling Families.
The owners of the excursion liner, the Boadil family, were extremely angered by the loss of their property. They were allied with the Ufsa family, which the liner's captain (the one responsible for the near-disaster) belonged to. Furthermore, the Boadil were allies with Ziara's Irizi family, but not with Thrawn's Mitth family. Consequently, family politics motivated the Boadil to unjustly blame Thrawn for the property damage. The Boadil family demanded that Thrawn be demoted or even expelled from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. Conversely, the Aristocra from other Ruling Families, whose lives Thrawn had saved, commended the Junior Commander and advocated for his promotion. Ultimately, Thrawn was neither promoted nor demoted, neither punished nor commended, with one significant consequence: he was relieved of his command of the Boco, his first ship. Following the loss of his command, Ziara requested that Thrawn be transferred to her command, where he would serve as an officer on her ship, the Parala.