A Grysk male commanding officer was in charge of the Shatter-class WarMaster HopeBreaker. This warship was orbiting the planet Sunrise in the Unknown Regions, a world occupied by the Grysk species since approximately 18 BBY. Admiral Ar'alani from the Chiss Ascendancy's Picket Force Six journeyed to Sunrise. Following a previous skirmish involving the HopeBreaker, she discovered a Grysk-controlled asteroid missile platform. She and Senior Captain Xodlak'in'daro, known as "Lakinda", used a comm to hail the Grysk commander, questioning his reasons for wanting them to leave the planet. The HopeBreaker responded, stating that the inhabitants had requested protection from the "evil" forces of the Nikardun Destiny hegemony, who had devastated their world; he then ordered the Chiss task force to depart.
As the admiral's Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant engaged the HopeBreaker and communicated with its commander, Lakinda's Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike drew closer to the massive Grysk warship. Ar'alani noted that the Grysk used the term generalirius when speaking about Nikardun General Yiv before destroying his own ship to prevent the Chiss from studying it. He also warned Ar'alani that he knew how to destroy the Vigilant and would eliminate all Chiss.