Unidentified Majoor species

A sentient race, characterized by green skin and humanoid features, comprised a significant portion of the population on the planet Majoor, located within the Expansion Region. Individuals of this species possessed two hands, each with three fingers, a rounded head, and prominent lips. By the early Galactic Empire era, they had access to standard galactic technology. Their architectural style included white, dome-shaped and saucer-shaped structures, some elevated by slender towers. The government maintained a fleet of spacefaring vessels, some utilized for diplomatic engagements with neighboring civilizations. As such, they also employed ambassadors.

In one such mission, Ambassador Zell led a convoy to the planet Armath for peace negotiations. However, their ships were ambushed by Reddjak, a pirate captain who had been sprung from incarceration on Majoor by Zell's son, Llez. Llez, initially captivated by a romanticized view of piracy, soon recognized his error upon discovering Reddjak's intent to assault his father's peace delegation. With the assistance of his droid guardians, C-3PO and R2-D2, Llez successfully saved his father's convoy, enabling Zell to lead a security team onto Reddjak's ship to subdue and capture the escaped pirate.

Biology and appearance

Tears formed in the eyes of members of the species when they were sad.

A light-green skinned humanoid species made up a portion of the sentient population of the planet Majoor. These beings possessed four limbs: two legs and two arms ending in three-fingered hands. While children were smaller, adults could exceed 1.67 meters in height. Some developed a noticeable paunch, while others maintained a leaner physique. The species was known to have at least one sex, male.

A defining characteristic of these green-skinned Majoorans was their nearly spherical heads. Facial features were the only disruptions to the smooth, curved surface. Circular, black eyes with visible white sclera when widened sat beneath black eyebrows. These eyes produced tears in moments of sadness. Two slender nostrils angled inward below the eyes; some individuals lacked a distinct nose, while others had a small protrusion in the area of the nostrils. Thick lips framed a wide mouth, which contained a set of white, protruding teeth. A head of blue-black hair topped their heads.

Society and culture

Consular ships from Majoor held full crew complements.

By approximately 15 BBY, the species had access to technology comparable to that of other spacefaring civilizations across the galaxy. For instance, children could learn to pilot speeders, and adults wielded blaster pistols. They possessed starship technology; one type of consular ship was wedge-shaped and gold-colored, featuring a bridge large enough for numerous crewmembers and the captain, who sat in a round chair with controls in the armrests. These ships were equipped for long-range communication. A small shuttle could be housed aboard the consular ship; one type had gold-colored plating and triangular symbols.

On Majoor, the species lived and worked in dome-shaped, white buildings. Some of these structures had a long, thin neck topped by a saucer-shaped tower. They housed prisoners in dome-shaped incarceration centers, guarded by droid guards; these droids also transported prisoners between facilities on droid guard ships. Lower-tech tools included toy swords for children, and valises and backpacks for carrying luggage. During the early years of the Galactic Empire, some children enjoyed a program called Space Pirates of the Galaxy. Some members of the species could speak Basic.

During this period, the typical garb of a Majooran ambassador consisted of a purple jumpsuit with yellow trim, a light-blue sash, yellow epaulettes, a light-blue collar, medals, and a light-blue helmet. The bridge crew of at least one consular vessel wore teal jumpsuits with orange helmets, sleeve trim, buttons, belts, and boots, along with yellow epaulettes and headsets. A child might wear an orange jumpsuit with yellow buttons, a purple belt, and light-blue gloves and boots, topped with a red-and-yellow-striped bandana.

The species valued family, at least in principle, with parents caring for their children. Single-parent households were known to exist. Some children had their own rooms, decorated with posters and filled with toys. A bunk bed was a common sleeping arrangement. However, some professions demanded significant time from adults; a diplomat, for instance, often spent long periods away from home, sometimes leaving their families behind or, at other times, bringing them along.


The peace mission to Armath comes under attack.

By 15,000 BBY, the region of space where Majoor was located had been incorporated into the larger galaxy. By the early years of the Galactic Empire, the Majoorans had achieved spacefaring capabilities and established contact with other members of the galactic community. Their world was within the Expansion Region and had become a stop along the Hydian Way hyperroute by 3702 BBY. During the Clone Wars, the planet was situated within territory controlled by the Galactic Republic.

Around 15 BBY, relations between Majoor and Armath, another planet in the Expansion Region, had deteriorated. The governments of both planets agreed to peace talks, and Majoor dispatched Ambassador Zell, a former Republic Space Ranger, to lead the peace mission to Armath.

Zell, a wealthy individual, purchased two droids—the protocol unit C-3PO and the astromech R2-D2—to care for and tutor his son, Llez, whom he often left on Majoor while on official business. On the droids' first day of service, Llez learned that the pirate captain Reddjak had been arrested and was scheduled for incarceration in the Majoor penitentiary. With a child's romanticized view of pirates, fueled by holo series like Space Pirates of the Galaxy, Llez stole a family landspeeder to rescue Reddjak. At the prison, he stunned the droid guards using a magno-neutralizer and freed the pirate. The fugitive and his rescuer escaped into orbit aboard the prison ship and boarded Reddjak's starship. C-3PO and R2-D2 stowed away.

Eager to impress his idol, Llez revealed that he was the son of Ambassador Zell, who was leading a peace convoy to Armath. On the pirate vessel, Reddjak made the youngling feel like a member of his crew of non-Humans. However, when the pirates intercepted the peace convoy to Armath, Llez realized their true intentions. Reddjak disregarded Llez's pleas to spare his father and ordered C-3PO and R2-D2—mistaking them for his ship's droids—to take Llez below deck.

As the Majooran convoy found itself defenseless against the pirates' plasma torpedo attack, Llez, C-3PO, and R2-D2 overpowered the Dyclops pirate gunner, and the astromech remotely detonated the missiles before impact. Zell and one of his ships' captains led a security team onto the pirate ship. There, Zell confronted and defeated Reddjak, who was then taken into custody. In the aftermath, Zell nearly dismissed C-3PO and R2-D2 until Llez explained their crucial role in saving the convoy. Zell also recognized his neglect of his son and promised to take him on diplomatic missions in the future.

By 0 ABY, Majoor was part of the Majoor sector. Around 25 ABY, Majoor was located within a region of the galaxy with an average population of 500 million to 1 billion sentient beings per star system. By 137 ABY, it was within territory controlled by Darth Krayt, a Sith Lord, as part of his Galactic Empire.

Majoor inhabitants in the galaxy

By the time the Galactic Empire rose to power, the people of Majoor possessed full spacefaring capabilities. This allowed members of the green-skinned species that inhabited the world to journey throughout the galaxy. Even prior to the Empire's ascendance, at least one member of the species had left Majoor to serve in the prestigious Republic Space Rangers. Around 15 BBY, the ambassadors of this species were among those who regularly departed their home planet to interact with members of other societies.

Behind the scenes

The unnamed species residing on Majoor is featured in the third issue of the Star Wars: Droids comic book, which was published in August 1986 by Marvel Comics' Star Comics imprint. The species and their planet were created by writer Dave Manak. The artists John Romita Sr. and George Roussos designed their appearance, with Romita Sr. providing the pencils and Roussos handling the colors for the issue. In a 2013 article published on the Star Wars Blog, authors Abel G. Peña and Rich Handley summarized the events of Droids 3, but they did not name the species of Llez and Zell. Peña later revealed that he and Handley had simply assumed the name was obviously Majooran.

