Unidentified Zeltron

A Zeltron resided in Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu. This individual was enjoying a beverage at the Milk Stand when Remex Io, a criminal Clawdite, almost collided with them while being pursued by First Order stormtroopers. After the Zeltron hurled an insult at Io, they met their death when a blaster shot, intended for the Clawdite, went astray and struck them.


The Zeltron was struck by an errant blaster shot fired by First Order stormtroopers.

During the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the Zeltron was one of the inhabitants of Black Spire Outpost, located on the planet Batuu in the Outer Rim. In 34 ABY, this Zeltron was observed holding a [blue](/article/color] drink in a glass at the Milk Stand, a business situated on the Merchant Row avenue within Black Spire Outpost. The Zeltron nearly lost their balance, almost dropping their drink, when Remex Io, a Clawdite criminal, dashed past while being chased by several First Order stormtroopers. While the Zeltron berated Io, calling him a "dirty hooligan," the Clawdite paid no attention, continuing his escape as the troopers targeted him. A stray blaster shot, aimed at Io, instead fatally struck the Zeltron in the chest, causing them to collapse against some nearby crates. The stormtroopers disregarded the Zeltron's fall and proceeded to pursue Io down the street.

Personality and traits

This Zeltron possessed pink skin, black hair, and blue eyes. They reacted angrily to Remex Io when he nearly caused them to fall.


The Zeltron carried a blue bag slung across their brown sweater.

Behind the scenes

This Zeltron made an appearance, though unidentified, in the third issue of the 2019 comic series Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Ethan Sacks wrote the issue, Will Sliney provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics published it on June 26, 2019.

