Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge issue number 3 is a part of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, linking it to the theme park of the same name. Ethan Sacks penned the story, Will Sliney provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on June 26, 2019.
THE JEDHA CONNECTION! DOK-ONDAR assembled a unique team during the EMPIRE's reign to accomplish an impossible feat: stealing a relic from the occupied JEDHA'S HOLY CITY. With FIRST ORDER forces now spread across BATUU's BLACK SPIRE OUTPOST, the infamous procurer of the unprocurable may finally face the consequences of his past. Featuring Outer Rim pirate HONDO OHNAKA, a fan favorite! Inspired by Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, the new themed land coming to Disney Land and Walt Disney World this year.

First Order stormtroopers pursued Remex Io through Black Spire Outpost's pathways. A stray shot, fired at Remex, struck and killed a Zeltron. The stormtroopers, possessing an arrest warrant, were instructed to capture Remex alive, but Remex retaliated, killing one of them. Remex changed his form to a human sitting in the street. When questioned about Remex's whereabouts, the human directed them towards the spaceport. Reverting to his original form, Remex was seized by Varg, Dok-Ondar's "fixer," who stated he was there to resolve a major issue for Dok-Ondar.
Soon after, at Oga's Cantina, Remex connected with Kendoh Voss and Wooro. Remex informed Kendoh that Dok-Ondar had discovered their heist, necessitating its cancellation. Kendoh insisted on proceeding and approached a booth to consult a fortune teller. The fortune teller revealed details about Kendoh and her gang to the person in the booth behind them. This individual requested Kendoh's presence, introducing himself as the Weequay pirate, Hondo Ohnaka. Kendoh explained their need for a pilot capable of navigating a First Order blockade. Back at the bar, Remex expressed doubt about hiring Hondo, but Wooro clarified it was part of their strategy. At the booth, Hondo assured Kendoh of his suitability, referencing a past job with Dok-Ondar where they evaded the Guardians of the Whills and an Imperial blockade. Elsewhere, Dok-Ondar, possessing a recording of Hondo's conversation with Kendoh, instructed Hondo to extract information about her plan.

Previously, Hondo Ohnaka, Dok-Ondar, and Quadoro infiltrated the Temple of the Kyber's tunnels to steal a statue. They were confronted by a guardian, whom they quickly stunned. Quadoro questioned Captain Ohnaka about his position at the front, leading to his swift elimination by additional guardians. As Hondo battled the guardians, Dok-Ondar located their target, admiring its historical significance and feeling a connection to his parents. Dok-Ondar employed a laser torch to detach the statue, but the lasers deflected, causing a ceiling collapse that crushed a guardian Hondo was fighting. Dok-Ondar then used Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber to separate the statue. Subsequently, Hondo seized the Ithorian, and they proceeded towards the exit. They were intercepted by Chirrut Îmwe, who identified himself as another guardian and blocked their path. Hondo underestimated the blind man and opened fire, but Chirrut evaded the shots and incapacitated Hondo. Hondo recovered and engaged Chirrut in a duel with his staff. Dok-Ondar intervened, explaining that the statue held clues to his parents' murder. Chirrut allowed them to leave, and the two returned to the ship.
As they departed, an Imperial starfighter on patrol spotted them. Hondo steered towards the Star Destroyer overhead, confident the starfighters wouldn't target their own vessel. Approaching the ship, he initiated a jump to hyperspace.

Back at Oga's Cantina, Kendoh Voss displayed a tablet showing the Sword of Khashyun, which her gang intended to smuggle past the First Order blockade. Hondo claimed prior knowledge of it, prompting Dok-Ondar, via earpiece, to advise him to stop responding. Hondo continued, mentioning a person left behind during the sword's acquisition. She was a renowned archaeologist known for swindling Darth Vader.
In the past, Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra and her protocol droid 0-0-0 met Hondo Ohnaka to acquire a ship for locating the Sword of Khashyun.
- UPC 759606093557; June 26 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00311; Cover A; Tommy Lee Edwards 00321; Cover B; Caspar Wijngaard 00312; Cover C; Will Sliney