Galaxy's Edge #4 represents the fourth installment of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. This miniseries serves as a tie-in to the theme park bearing the same name. Ethan Sacks is credited as the writer, while Will Sliney provided the illustrations. It was released on July 31, 2019 through Marvel Comics.
THE GREATER OF TWO EVILS! Kendoh and her team are racing against the clock to execute their heist as the formidable RED FURY stormtroopers of THE FIRST ORDER draw nearer. However, what connection does their mysterious target have to a DOCTOR APHRA mission from three decades ago? The secret is known only to Dok-Ondar, and he may resort to deadly measures to protect it!

A First Order assault shuttle was being deployed over Batuu from a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. A confrontation unfolded between a few stormtroopers and a pair of Resistance suspects as the shuttle approached the planet's surface. Emerging from the shuttle on his 125-Z treadspeeder bike, the First Order sergeant expressed his displeasure with his troopers for their failure to subdue the Resistance suspects themselves, and then proceeded to eliminate the suspects. Subsequently, the sergeant was informed of three additional Resistance suspects slated for termination. He instructed his troopers to advance, unaware that a Resistance agent was eavesdropping nearby.
Inside Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, Dok-Ondar was putting the finishing touches on a statue positioned outside his establishment. Touching the statue, he pledged to always remember his mother and father. Subsequently, Hondo Ohnaka approached Dok-Ondar with details concerning the Kendoh Gang, led by Kendoh Voss. Hondo described them as perilous, but Dok-Ondar swiftly interrupted and ushered him inside. However, a camera captured their exchange, relaying it to Kendoh and her crew. Hondo grew irritated with Ondar for not disclosing that Kendoh was aware of the Sword of Khashyun. Dok-Ondar responded by saying that they cannot allow the sword to fall into the wrong hands, and they will need to move it into hiding later that night. Kendoh already had the sword's blade and only needed the hilt. To receive complete payment for the sword, they decided to proceed with the heist during the night. As Kendoh and Wooro departed, Remex Io lingered for a minute to disable a cam droid situated within Dok-Ondar's shop. Back inside Dok-Ondar's shop, Hondo started to get annoyed and inquired of Dok-Ondar about the situation, starting with the job he took to get the sword with Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra.

Doctor Aphra informed Dok-Ondar that the mission would be costly due to the need to ensure his survival, but Ondar insisted that her compensation was more than sufficient. Dok-Ondar brought along three Shistavanens to provide additional strength for the mission. Before reaching the surface of Moraband, Aphra and Ondar discussed the sword's curse, its history, and the method to acquire it. As they began their journey through the Sith temple, the doctor pointed out that it was filled with traps. One of the Shistavanens triggered a booby trap, leading to the emergence of a mummified Sith warrior from the shadows, who killed the Shistavanen with its mace. Aphra responded by throwing a thermal detonator at the Sith warrior, causing it to explode. Back on Dok-Ondar's ship, he and another Shistavanen were attempting to send a transmission to Doctor Aphra when 0-0-0 appeared. Dok-Ondar was not paying attention to the protocol droid when he extended blades from his fingertips.

Inside the Sith temple, Doctor Aphra and her droid BT-1 talked about their betrayal of Dok-Ondar. Subsequently, the doctor instructed BT-1 to deploy his drone down a corridor, but it was destroyed by lasers triggered by a booby trap. The group then proceeded in a different direction and, after navigating several more deadly traps, reached their destination. The Sword of Khashyun was embedded in the ground, blade first, in front of a mummified Dowutin Sith. Doctor Aphra declared it the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. As the Shistavanen moved to extract the sword, Doctor Aphra sensed a wind emanating from deep within the temple. The Sith warbeast Tuk'ata materialized from the shadows and began pursuing the group through the corridors. To increase their survival odds, BT-I tripped the Shistavanen accompanying them. The hound attacked the Shistavanen and then fell into Aphra's trap. As Aphra lay on the ground complaining about a sprained ankle, the warbeast leaped at her but was killed by the lasers as it set off a booby trap. As Aphra and BT-1 were making their way out of the Sith temple, they were stopped by Dok-Ondar who managed to dismember 0-0-0 from killing him and was now going to force Doctor Aphra into new negotiations.

Back in present-day Batuu, Hondo remained astonished that Dok-Ondar had abandoned Doctor Aphra on Moraband. Dok-Ondar began to explain that there was more to the story but was interrupted by Wooro and Kendoh Voss, who held Ondar's security droid's head in her hand. Kendoh mistakenly believed that Dok-Ondar was undefended when he deployed his main security droid, BK-86. Kendoh was surprised to see another security droid, but Remex Io brought even worse news when he reported that the First Order was nearby.
- UPC 759606093557; July 31 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00411; Cover A; Tommy Lee Edwards 00421; Cover B; Stacey Lee 00412; Cover C; Will Sliney