Vecari trees were a species of tree that were native to the forests found on the planet of Seylott. The trees were known for their crystalline needles. Before, or during, the High Republic Era, the inhabitants of Coruscant would bring vecari trees to Coruscant for the Solstice Tide festival. They would decorate them with glow-globes and display them along Republic Avenue, a street within the planet's Galactic City.
Jedi Master Stellan Gios jumped onto a vecari tree in Coruscant's Commercial District circa 232 BBY. This action caused crystalline needles to fall on the people below, who were impressed by the sight. Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, stated in The Life Day Cookbook that the Coruscanti custom with vecari trees had ceased. This cookbook was released after The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook in 34 ABY.
George Mann and Cavan Scott included vecari trees in their short story, "A Coruscant Solstice." This story was featured in the Life Day Treasury anthology of 2021.