
Warjak was a Feeorin of the male persuasion. During the early years of the Galactic Empire, he earned his living as a gladiator. He frequently won the title of champion in the Outer Rim Carve-up competition. He received an invitation to participate in Gladiator Night on the planet of Lothal. There, he was scheduled to fight Borbig Drob, a Houk gladiator, in a match he had been paid to lose. However, their fixed fight was disrupted by the arrival of Imperial Security Bureau Lieutenant Jenkes, who was being pursued by Bossk, a bounty hunter, and his companion, Ezra Bridger. After Jenkes injured him, Bossk demanded that Warjak and Drob fight him without weapons. They agreed, but the bounty hunter defeated them both.


Warjak, a male Feeorin, made his living as a gladiator in the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign. He competed in the Outer Rim Carve Up, a gladiatorial contest, and consistently emerged as the champion. Following this, arrangements were made for him to participate in the Gladiator Night event held on the planet Lothal. This event was orchestrated by someone Warjak knew only as "the Commissioner," who was actually Jenkes, a local Imperial Security Bureau Lieutenant conducting these fights illegally, unbeknownst to the Empire. Warjak, along with his Houk opponent Borbig Drob, was transported via shuttle from the planet Nyriaan to the Capital City spaceport on Lothal. From there, they boarded an unmarked Imperial troop transport that took them to Monad Outpost, an abandoned mining facility chosen as the fight's venue.

Warjak fought on Lothal.

At Monad Outpost, Warjak received his combat gear before he and Drob proceeded to the arena for their scheduled match. A Pa'lowick announcer introduced them individually to the assembled crowd, with Warjak receiving a mixed reaction of cheers and jeers. Before the fight commenced, Warjak quietly reminded Drob that the Commissioner expected him to lose the match on purpose, an arrangement the Houk gladiator confirmed. The fight then began, only to be disrupted by Jenkes' arrival in the arena, closely followed by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk and Ezra Bridger, a local street urchin. Jenkes had double-crossed Bossk and Bridger, and they were seeking retribution. However, before they could exact their revenge, the lieutenant shot and wounded Bossk, declaring that the Empire wanted him dead and that they were not concerned with the gladiator fight. Bossk then challenged Warjak and Drob, who had ceased fighting when the crowd's attention shifted to the newcomers.

The Feeorin and the Houk consented to fight the injured Trandoshan in bare-fist combat, discarding their weapons as the bounty hunter approached. However, as soon as they were disarmed, Bossk lunged at Drob, quickly incapacitating him. He then attacked Warjak, slashing him across the chest with his claws. Knocked to the ground, the Feeorin picked up Drob's sword and attacked the Trandoshan. The Trandoshan evaded the blow and kicked Warjak in the shin with enough force to fracture the bone. Defeated, the gladiator collapsed and lost consciousness next to Drob. Later, Imperial forces arrived to shut down the illegal fight and arrest Jenkes.

Personality and traits

Warjak possessed thick tendrils that extended from the back of his head. His combat prowess was sufficient to maintain an undefeated record at the Outer Rim Carve Up. However, he was defeated by Bossk even when he was armed and the Trandoshan was not. The Feeorin was willing to fix a match for a substantial payment, and when he witnessed Drob's defeat by Bossk in unarmed combat, he armed himself despite agreeing to a bare-handed fight.


While on Lothal, Warjak was equipped with body armor and employed a large vibro-ax and stun net during combat.

Behind the scenes

Warjak's debut occurred in Ezra's Gamble, a junior novel penned by Ryder Windham and published in 2014.

