Wyron Serper

Wyron Serper, a human of male gender, held the rank of captain within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He was the primary controller in the command center of the Alliance's Echo Base, situated on the planet of Hoth. During the year 3 ABY, he engaged in a discussion with General Carlist Rieekan, the base's commander, regarding an anomaly detected nearby. This conversation also included Princess Leia Organa, along with her companions Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Following Serper's playback of a faint transmission originating from the unidentified object, Solo and Chewbacca embarked on an investigation. Their findings revealed the object to be the Imperial Viper probe droid designated XJ9-CS14. This droid subsequently alerted the Empire to the presence of the Alliance on Hoth, compelling the Alliance to initiate an evacuation as the Imperials launched an attacked.


Wyron Serper, a male human, was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, participating in their struggle against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In 3 ABY, Serper, a captain, served as the senior controller at the command center within Echo Base, the secret headquarters of the Alliance located on the planet Hoth. Princess [Leia Organa](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo] was positioned near Serper's station when Han Solo, the smuggler, informed General [Carlist Rieekan](/article/carlist_rieekan], the base's commander, about his need to depart Hoth due to the price on his head. Following a tense farewell to Organa, Solo quickly exited the center, prompting the princess to follow him, momentarily abandoning her duties alongside Serper.

When the Alliance detected an unidentified blip moving eastward beyond Zone Twelve, Rieekan summoned Organa to Serper's console in the command center. There, the general and the controller were observing the blip's movements in proximity to the base on a map. Rieekan briefed Organa and her companions, Han Solo and Chewbacca, on the situation, with Serper adding that the object was metallic. Organa used this information to dismiss the possibility of it being a predatory wampa, while Solo speculated that it could be one of their own speeders. Serper refuted this, then adjusted his headset and reported that they were receiving a weak signal from the unidentified object, activating an audio speaker for the others to hear.

Subsequently, the protocol droid C-3PO informed the group that the signal was not aligned with Alliance frequencies, suggesting Imperial origin. Solo, accompanied by Chewbacca, then departed to locate the signal's source, while Rieekan instructed Serper to dispatch Rogue Ten and Rogue Eleven of Rogue Squadron to Station 3-8. Solo and Chewbacca discovered the blip was the Viper probe droid XJ9-CS14 belonging to the Empire, which relayed the rebels' presence before self-destructing. Consequently, the Alliance initiated the evacuation of Echo Base, but were soon attacked by the Empire, who gained control of Hoth but failed to prevent the escape of many rebels.

Personality and traits

Wyron Serper had light skin and brown hair.


While stationed in the Echo Base command center, Serper was attired in a white bodysuit complemented by a sleeveless brown jacket featuring a high collar, and he utilized a headset for communication.

Behind the scenes

Wyron Serper made his initial appearance in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, part of the original trilogy. Burnell Tucker portrayed the character in the movie, credited as one of the "Other Officers." Tucker also played Romas Navander in the same film, and previously portrayed Del Goren in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Serper's scenes within the Echo Base control room were filmed on Stage 1 at Elstree Studios between March 26 and 28, 1979.

Within the current Star Wars canon, Serper's identity was first established in a paperback novelization of The Empire Strikes Back authored by Ryder Windham and published in 2017. The character's name originated from the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing in 1996 on a card featured in the Hoth Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

