X-Wing Rogue Squadron 2

title: X-Wing Rogue Squadron 2

X-Wing Rogue Squadron 2, alternatively titled "The Rebel Opposition, Chapter 2", represents the second installment within the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic book saga. Dark Horse Comics originally published it on August 8, 1995.

Publisher's summary

After Rogue Squadron's commander, Wedge Antilles, is shot down during a fierce battle against Imperial All Terrain Scout Transports, he finds himself compelled to forge an uneasy partnership with the Cilpari natives. Their animosity towards the Rebels is only surpassed by their intense loathing of the Empire. Wedge's mission is to reunite Rogue Squadron before the Cilpari alliance falls apart, and then to rejoin the fight to liberate the galaxy!

Plot summary

As Imperial Moff Boren Tascl launches an assault on the Cilpari Resistance and their Rebel comrades, Wedge Antilles and Elscol Loro stumble upon an age-old temple. The group seeks refuge within the temple's walls, but Antilles expresses his concern that the Empire will quickly discover their location. Loro grants the rebels access to their weaponry, which they then utilize to trigger an explosion in a scrap heap filled with decaying gases. This explosion destroys an Imperial walker, enabling their escape.

Tycho Celchu and Wes Janson encounter a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Leia Organa, but is, in actuality, Winter, a Rebel operative and aide to Organa who is frequently mistaken for her. After rescuing them from a ronk, Winter clarifies the situation, explaining how Moff Tascl initially considered surrendering local Imperial installations to the Alliance, but ultimately reversed his decision upon learning of the Emperor's death.

Meanwhile, as Loro and the rebels engage in combat with Imperial forces and retreat to their designated cover, X-Wings arrive as rebel reinforcements, allowing Antilles and the others to return to their base, situated west of Kiidan. Antilles and Loro delegate the coordination of their defenses to Groznik and Dllr Nep, while the two groups strategize their next course of action. Antilles provides details about a woman known as "Targeter," whom the rebels were scheduled to meet but never made contact with, and inquires with Loro if Groznik might possess any information about her. Loro expresses doubt that Groznik would share such information, and Cilpari resistance member Vance Rego suggests that "Targeter" may no longer be alive.

Antilles, Loro, Rego, and Groznik journey back to the temple, utilizing captured Imperial speeders for transportation. Employing an oratay disc to disperse the resident ronks, the team gains entry and engages in combat with an unoccupied, self-activated Imperial space trooper armor suit.

At Kiidan, Tycho Celchu, disguised in an Imperial uniform, approaches a group of Imperial officers to report for duty. After being accurately identified as an Alderaanian, Petro is attacked by Celchu, but the altercation is interrupted, and Celchu is integrated into Crimson Squadron. Major Grode arrives and accepts Celchu, authorizing him to pilot a TIE fighter with Crimson Squadron.


