X-Wing Rogue Squadron 7

title: "X-Wing Rogue Squadron 7"

The seventh installment of the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic book series is X-Wing Rogue Squadron 7, which is also known as "The Phantom Affair, Part 3". Dark Horse Comics published it on April 14, 1996.

Publisher's summary

Acquiring a cloaking device is a difficult task, even in the distant past of a galaxy far, far away. However, when the members of Rogue Squadron attempt to obtain one from the highly scientific alien inventors known as the Mrlssi, they discover that they are being accused of numerous crimes, ranging from theft to murder, and that the Empire will go to any length to capture them!

Plot summary

Rogue Squadron members are at the Central Academic Hospital on Mrlsst, checking on Wes Janson's condition. Dee Savyest, a Mrlssi researcher, pleads with Tycho Celchu and the others about the destructive power of the Death Star. She is in disbelief and feels guilty about its effectiveness since the Mrlssi had contributed to the Death Star's technology. Suddenly, Koyi Komad bursts into the room, warning the group that stormtroopers are on their way to arrest them for their supposed involvement in the theft of the Phantom Project data. The Rogues escape, pushing Janson's hoverbed along with them.

Meanwhile, Wedge Antilles is being held prisoner by the Mrlssi and the Empire. Loka Hask taunts him, claiming that he performed a beneficial act by "removing" Antilles' parents from his life. Antilles tries to seize Hask through the prison bars, but he is electrocuted. Gade Yedan arrives, leading Antilles to infer that he and the Ante-Endor Association were responsible for the theft. Hask brings Antilles to the bars, electrocuting him once more and leaving him incapacitated on the floor. Later, a brilliant light fills Wedge's cell.

A Jedi-like spectral figure manifests before Antilles, asserting that it has destroyed the Phantom Ship datacards. The apparition orders Antilles to leave Mrlsst and resume the war. Antilles attempts to explain that he was not the cause of the corruption or conflict on Mrlsst, but the apparition vanishes after severing the bars of Antilles' cell, allowing him to flee.

As several stormtroopers pursue them, the other Rogues flee the hospital. Komad informs them of Celchu's alleged involvement in the Phantom Ship theft, which he dismisses as ridiculous. The group overloads Janson's hoverbed to reach Mrlsst's "underground," a community of the planet's outcasts living amidst the planet's massive greenstalk forests. Komad leads the Rogues to Nasta, who assists them in viewing the security footage from the day of the theft and a simultaneous Imperial conference discussing the recent destruction of the datacards. At the conference, the Imperials examine footage of droids attacking them in order to obtain the datacards, which are identified as those utilized by the band Ghost Jedi.

Just as Celchu and Plourr arrive to save him, Antilles escapes the campus. Elscol Loro and Groznik encounter the Jedi apparition, who removes its helmet to reveal the face of Loro's deceased husband, Throm. The apparition commands Groznik, who owes Throm a life debt, to knock Loro unconscious, taking the Wookiee with him to utilize his piloting abilities.

As Tirrek and Dllr Nep attempt to steal Rorax Falken's ship, they are ambushed by students but easily defeat them. It is revealed that the Phantom Ship project was a fraud designed to extract funds from the Empire. Following the Emperor's death, the Empire began construction on a "Phantom Ship" that utilized durindfire gems that the Rebel Alliance could track. At the asteroid base used for the Ghost Jedi band's holographic performances, Terrik and Nep discover that the apparition of the Jedi/Throm (and therefore Groznik) appears to be controlled by Rorax Falken. Imperial forces approach the base, but the base appears to self-destruct. Back on the planet's surface, TIE bombers begin bombarding the Mrlsst underground.

