
Zepher, a starship engineer of the Mon Calamari species, operated a starship repair shop. His business was situated on Dedoon, a moon orbiting the planet Tenoo. In the year 232 BBY, he readied Jedi Vector starfighters for three Jedi younglings: Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. These young Jedi had journeyed to Dedoon to retrieve the ships and return them to their Jedi Temple on Tenoo. Before their departure, Zepher insisted they practice flying the Vectors and offered his repair services to the younglings whenever they needed them.


During the High Republic Era, Zepher, a Mon Calamari engineer, made his home on the moon of Dedoon, which orbits the planet Tenoo. He was the proprietor of a starship repair shop located below the surface of the moon. He counted Jedi Master Zia Zanna among his friends, as well as one of the mothers of pilot Nash Durango, to whom he had imparted his knowledge of starships. In 232 BBY, Zanna dispatched Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, along with Durango, to Zepher's location. Their mission was to collect newly constructed starships that he had prepared for them. Upon their arrival in Durango's ship, the Crimson Firehawk, Zepher greeted them warmly. He remarked on how much the pilot had matured since their last encounter and expressed his fondness for her droid, RJ-83, calling him his favorite. Durango then introduced her Jedi companions to the Mon Calamari, who extended a welcoming greeting.

Zepher stops the younglings from darting into their Vectors.

Subsequently, he unveiled a hangar, revealing a Jedi Vector specifically designed for each of the younglings. As they eagerly rushed to board the ships, Zepher intervened, explaining that he had modified the Vectors to ensure they were suitable for young pilots. He emphasized that before they could transport them to the Jedi Temple on Tenoo, he needed to verify their ability to handle the aircraft. Zepher then inquired if Durango would oversee the flight practice, to which she agreed. The Mon Calamari waved goodbye as they took off. They later returned, with Brightstar's Vector showing damage from an encounter with an exogorth. Zepher dismissed the young Jedi's apology, stating that he expected training ships to sustain damage and offered to repair the Vectors whenever necessary. He then gave them permission to take the starfighters back to Tenoo, wishing them a safe journey. Upon their return to the temple, Master Zanna recognized Zepher's skill in crafting the ships.

Personality and traits

Zepher held Brightstar's enthusiasm in high regard and was always willing to offer his engineering expertise to others. This Mon Calamari had orange skin and possessed blue eyes.

Skills and abilities

The Mon Calamari was known for being a highly skilled and talented engineer.


Zepher was typically seen wearing a beige and white jumpsuit accented with brown patches. He also wore a belt that held an assortment of tools. Completing his attire were brown boots.

Behind the scenes

Zepher made his debut in "Squadron," the initial segment of the sixth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. His voice was provided by Gary Anthony Williams. The episode was launched on May 4, 2023.

