AQ-series battle droids, more commonly known as Aqua droids, were an amphibious model of battle droid manufactured by Haor Chall Engineering Corporation. They were excellent swimmers, posessed a retractable laser cannon on their right wrist, and were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems to lay siege to aquatic planets such as Kamino and Mon Cala during the Clone Wars.
Standing at 2.83 meters tall, the AQ-series battle droid manufactured by Haor Chall Engineering Corporation and the Techno Union had a bulkier physique when compared to the standard B1 model, boasting a massive chest with ridged shoulders, elongated legs, a polygon shaped head which could be retracted into the droid's body to reduce drag while swimming, and a set of feet that could switch between a standard walking stance on land or fold into propellers underwater. The droids were also given a blue color scheme to match the waters they were designed to operate in.
Made with amphibious deployments in mind, the aqua droid was created by the Techno Union, which made the droid by adapting the B2-series super battle droid for underwater warfare. Despite being incredibly mobile underwater, the droids marched in a slow lumbering pattern similar to super battle droids while operating on land, which made them targets for enemy snipers. To defend itself, the aqua droid was equipped with a single retractable laser cannon positioned on their right wrist and could also use their bulky arms to execute sufficient damage against enemy vehicles, such as Kamino submarines, underwater.
Aqua droids were deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems' droid army during the Clone Wars. Aqua droids were seen during their attempted invasion of the oceanic world of Kamino in 21 BBY, where several units were secretly deployed to the planet under the command of Supreme Commander Asajj Ventress. When a Confederate Fleet led by General Grievous arrived in orbit and began engaging the Republic's defense fleet, debris from the Separatist support ships fell from orbit and crashed into the ocean. While the Republic thought little of the debris, in secret they were carrying assault ships which Ventress' aqua droids began assembling. During this process, the droid's progress was discovered by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi who had grown suspicious of Grievous' willingness to sacrifice his support ships and traveled underwater in a submarine to investigate. Upon discovering Ventress' aqua droids, the Jedi's craft became swarmed as the aqua droids launched themselves onto the submarine and began disabling its engine systems. Out of desperation, Kenobi abandoned his craft and escaped the aqua droids by hitching a riding on a nearby aiwha.
Almost immediately after being discovered, the aqua droids launched their assault on the Kaminoan cloning facilities in Tipoca City, deploying assault crafts which drilled through the hull of the cloning facilities at various points and dispensed several aqua droids and B1-series battle droids into the facility. Although the droids managed to quickly spread across Tipoca City, they were soon pushed back by local clone forces led by their Jedi Generals. The droid's main assault was intended to act as a diversion to allow Ventress to capture the genetic template of Jango Fett in order to halt the Republic's production of new clones, but this was ultimately thwarted by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, forcing Ventress and the rest of the Separatist forces to retreat. While they failed to accomplish their objectives, the assault on Kamino would provide increased moral for the Separatists as it proved that all Republic worlds were vulnerable.
Later in the war they would be deployed to great affect by Riff Tamson during the civil war perpetuated on Mon Cala by the Separatists.