Big Brother's Bounty

Official description

The Jedi help a young bounty hunter find her brother.

The wannabe bounty hunter

At Hap's Sap Tap, Kai Brightstar invites Lys Solay and Nubs to join in a game of darts. Solay falls short of hitting the bull's eye. When Nub hurls his dart, it boomerangs throughout the cafe, splashing the bowls of two nearby alien patrons before hitting the bull's eye. Solay congratulates Nubs.

Shorty later, a hooded Dowutin barges into the cafe, startling the customers. She demands to see the cafe owner Hap and tells him that he is looking for a bounty hunter named Ansen Strung. The newcomer leaves a hologram of Strung and asks if he has seen him. Brighstar, Solay and Nubs offer to help but the newcomer rejects their help. She accidentally drops her hologram and unmasks herself. When Solay remarks that the newcomer looks like Ansen, she introduces herself as Senna Strung, Ansen's younger sister.

Brightstar and Nubs are surprised to learn that Ansen has a sister. When Senna asks how they know him and if they hired him for a bounty hunting job, Solay explains that they helped him. When Hap asks if Ansen is alright, Senna explains that she and her brother regularly call each other weekly but that Ansen has missed their last two calls. She says that all she knows is that the planet Tenoo was the last place he was working. Senna sits on a table occupied by a Mirialan boy, who promptly leaves nervously.

Senna explains that she wants to make sure her big brother is safe. She says that Ansen is training her how to be a bounty hunter and is always taking care of her. She is determined to find him, saying that is what bounty hunters to. When Brightstar asks if Senna is a bounty hunter, Senna explains she is not yet a bounty hunter but wants to be. She struggles to catch her hologram. Brightstar and his friends agree to help Senna find Ansen. Solay asks about the latest job he is doing.

Searching for Ansen

During their last holo-chat, Senna recalls that Ansen mentioned something about a big bounty near Kublop Springs for a local farmer named Weebo. Brightstar recognizes Weebo while Solay says that Ansen is helping Weebo and suggests they could ask her. Senna regrets not asking Weebo and says that a real bounty hunter wouldn't make that mistake. Senna leads the way and they visit Weebo at her farm.

Weebo tells Senna that Ansen is looking for one of her lost Burowga animals. She explains that the horn, six-legged animals love digging and that they help get the dirt ready for planting seeds. Solay is amazed to see the animals. Weebo explains that Burogwa are curious creatures who sometimes wander and get lost. Weebo recalls that Ansen followed her missing Burowga to the far side of the nearby forest. When Brightstar asks Weebo if she tried calling him, Weebo says that Ansen did not return her calls, leading her to assume he was busy. Weebo emphasizes that she needs all her Burowga for the planting season.

Senna asks the Jedi Initiates if they know how to get to the far side of the forest. Brightstar knows the way but says that it is far and they will need speeder bikes. The four ride on speeder bikes towards the edge of the forest but find their path blocked by roots. Solay says they should walk from that point. They walk towards the edge of the forest where Nubs finds Ansen's speeder bike, which is running, down a steep hill. Senna thinks that Ansen is in trouble.

Against the advice of her local guides, she uses a pair of vines to abseil down the hill. However, the vines snap and she falls down the hill. The Jedi younglings descend down the hill safely. Senna grumbles that this wouldn't have happened to a real bounty hunter. The four approach Ansen's speeder but are caught in a cage-like trap. Senna tries to find a way out and grumbles that she keeps on making mistakes. Solay reassures her that everyone makes mistake and that a mistake is their chance to learn and get better. This cheers up Senna.

Ansen and the lost Burogwa

Ansen emerges from the bush, believing that he has caught Weebo's lost Burogwa. Senna is relieved her big brother is alive. Ansen is surprised that his sister is on Tenoo and asks what she is doing here with the Jedi younglings. Senna says that she was worried after he missed their last two holo-calls. Ansen apologizes that he was busy trying to trap the lost Burogwa. He explains that he was trying to use the sound of his speeder to attract the stray animal and was afraid that the sound of his comm would draw it away. He explains this is why he turned off the comm.

Just then, the lost Burogwa emerges in the bush behind Ansen. Senna warns Ansen that the Burogwa is behind him. The Burogwa dives into the ground and Ansen races after it. Senna uses an electrical tool to overload a sensor at the corner of the cage trap, causing the roof to open. She uses a grappling cable to get out of the cage trap with the Jedi younglings. Meanwhile, Ansen has managed to mount the runaway Burogwa but struggles to subdue the animal. Senna realizes that they need to corral the Burogwa. Brightstar and his Jedi friends agree to help and draw their lightsabers.


Working together, they manage to maneuver the Burogwa towards the cage. Ansen says that they still need to get the creature into the cave. Senna comes up with an idea involving the speeder bike and tells the younglings to be ready to use their Force powers at her signal. She jumps back into the cave and accelerates the speeder's engine. The Burogwa jumps with Ansen into the cage. Once inside, the two Dowutin jump out of the cave with Ansen using his rocket boots. At Senna's signal, the younglings lock the top of the cage.

Despite their jubilation in rounding up the lost Burogwa, Ansen is dismayed that his red speeder bike has been wrecked by the animal. Senna hugs him and expresses relief he is alive. Senna thinks that she is not as good a bounty hunter as her big brother. Ansen disagrees and tells her that she has done an excellent job in capturing the Burogwa, marking her first successful bounty.


Later, the Dowutin bounty hunters and the Jedi younglings bring the missing Burogwa back to Weebo. Weebo thanks Ansen but Ansen tells her to thank his sister Senna, whom he describes as one of the best new bounty hunters. Senna says that she learnt from the best and also thanks her Jedi friends for teaching her. She says that they taught her that mistakes were things that she could learn from. Solays says they never doubted her for a second. Senna releases the lost Burogwa, who is happy to be reunited with her fellow Burogwa. The younglings, Weebo, and the Dowutin bounty hunters laugh with joy.









