Bleeding rock

The bleeding rock was a coral-like organism native to the Inner Rim planet Li-Toran. The organism grew within the thick steam of the world's underground tunnels, which contained air with much higher densities of toxic compounds than Li-Toran's already toxic surface atmosphere. Bleeding rock also grew on the surface of Li-Toran where the native Melitto species harvested the crimson sap of the organism to make up the primary component of their sugary liquid diet. Melittos leaving Li-Toran used special survival devices to simulate the sap by distilling local foodstuffs.

The Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs visited Li-Toran to collect some bleeding-rock sap during a culinary tour of the galaxy that he took between 34 ABY and 35 ABY. Tuggs then used the sap to make the dish known as Melitto Sap Cakes and mentioned the bleeding rock in the recipe for the cakes that he included in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, which was published in 35 ABY.

Bleeding rock was first mentioned in Cyphers and Masks, a 2018 supplement for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game published by Fantasy Flight Games.

Behind the scenes

Bleeding rock was first mentioned in Cyphers and Masks, a 2018 supplement for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game published by Fantasy Flight Games.


  • Cyphers and Masks
  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook
