Cameron was a clone trooper who served in the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. During the Battle of Quell, Cameron was one of several 501st soldiers, including Lucky, who joined their superiors, Clone Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, on a mission to rescue Jedi General Aayla Secura from the Liberty. After boarding the Liberty and losing one member of their team, Cameron and the others would be joined by 327th Star Corps trooper Flash before finding Secura and Clone Commander Bly.
Cameron later died along with Lucky and Flash to a mastiff phalone after a crash landing on Maridun. Cameron was choked to death by the deadly creature's claws.
Cameron appeared in "Jedi Crash" and was identified after their death, opening up questions as to which clone trooper they are before their demise. In the episode, three clone troopers from the 501st Legion board the Liberty with Rex and Ahsoka Tano, only for one of those three troopers to be killed by enemy fire. By the time Tano and company reunite with Anakin Skywalker, however, a new third clone trooper has joined the team. Where this third trooper came from, such as whether they were a member of Secura's 327th stationed aboard the Liberty or boarded the Star Destroyer from one of the other 501st gunships, is not explained. All that the episode answers is that the three clones are named Cameron, Lucky, and Flash, leaving unclear as to who is who.
In 2019, however, Flash would reappear in the audiobook Choose Your Destiny: A Clone Trooper Mission, where Flash was established to be part of the 327th. In 2022, the encyclopedia "The Grand Army of the Republic" would be released, which incorrectly listed Cameron, Lucky, and Flash all as members of Secura's task force. In reality, at least two must be part of the 501st due to boarding with Tano and Rex. As Flash was independently confirmed to be part of the 327th, this article assumes the following: "The Grand Army of the Republic" is correct in describing Flash as a survivor of Secura's crew, thereby placing them as the third clone trooper whom Tano's team found along the way, but Cameron and Lucky must be Tano and Rex's two troopers who survived boarding. Therefore, Cameron and Lucky are part of the 501st, not Secura's 327th.