Penrie joined the Galactic Empire as a cadet at the Imperial Academy on the planet Lothal. Eventually, he became a TIE pilot, designated NA811, in the Imperial Navy. Years into the war, he was serving onboard Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor, the flagship of Death Squadron. Penrie and three fellow pilots flew TIE/ln space superiority starfighters in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon following the Battle of Hoth. Flying into an asteroid field, Penrie and the others were assisted with navigation by Lieutenant Commander Ciena Ree. When pilots JA189 and CR978 were killed, Ree noted that Penrie's breathing became shallow and quick. Eventually, their quarry maneuvered to land on an asteroid. When Ree requested Admiral Firmus Piett allow her to recall the two surviving pilots, he approved it. However, Penrie's remaining wingmate OL701 responded that they had pursued the Millennium Falcon into a canyon. Howeer, Penrie then crashed into an asteroid and was killed, soon followed by OL701.
Penrie was known for his infectious laugh, with his fellow officer Ciena Ree recalling that whenever he laughed, everyone else around him could not help but join him. Ree also noted that this occurred often because Penrie was easily amused.
Penrie was introduced in Lost Stars, a young adult novel written by Claudia Gray as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series. Penrie is not seen physically in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, but it is confirmed that he was one of the pilots who chased the Millennium Falcon on the Asteroid Field.
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