Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 3

Mustering the Jedi

Due to the recent attacks and declaration of war against the Jedi by the Krath, thousands of Jedi converge on the red planet of Deneba to debate the situation. The telepathic Master Odan-Urr presides over the meeting. On the surface the Jedi ponder the dangers of the darkness that is the come and its relevance among the prophecies.

While carrying her daughter Vima Sunrider, Nomi Sunrider notices that Ulic Qel-Droma's wound from the previous battle has not fully healed. Shoaneb Culu predicts a great conflict with the dark side but Oss Wilum and Tott Doneeta think that the prophecies are vague. Also present are Ulic's brother Cay and fellow Jedi Knights Dace Diath and Qrrrl Toq. Many of the great masters including Arca Jeth and Thon are present, but Master Vodo has yet to arrive; tormented over the whereabouts of his wayward apprentice Exar Kun.

World of the Sith

Meanwhile on Korriban, Exar Kun begins his search for knowledge of the Dark Side. Led by the Spirit of Freedon Nadd, he ventures through the Valley of the Dark Lords where corpses fueled by dark side energies rise and attack. The guardian spirits, which are intended the fend off tomb robbers, force him to flee into the Great Temple. As he enters, the entrance is blocked off, and the Spirit of Freedon Nadd leads him deeper into darkness to come.

Ulic's proposal

Back on Deneba, Ulic Qel-Droma addresses the crowd arguing that a full-out conflict with the Krath may not be worth it. Suddenly an old man, Master Shayoto, speaks up arguing that the Krath must be dealt with now, less they risk events similar to the disasters of the past. In agreement Ulic suggest that one could infiltrate and join the Krath, and then take them down from within. This spawns more argument. Shoateb, Dace, and Arca disagree with Ulic, with the latter warning that the dark path leads to destruction.

Kun's test

On Korriban, Nadd continues to lead Kun deeper into a Mausoleum for Vanquished Enemies. In there Nadd collapses the cave, shattering the crystals carrying the spirits of Jedi past, annihilating them and crushing Kun. Nadd tells Kun all that can save him is accepting the dark side of the Force.

Exar Kun's conflict resonates through the force, alerting Vodo of his predicament. Vodo, Crado and Sylvar are approaching Deneba, and as they arrive Vodo attempts to reach Kun via meditation, but he only reaches the spirit of Freedon Nadd whose darkness is hostile to Vodo. Alone and without help, Kun opens himself to the Dark side, and is healed. The screams of Exar Kun's rebirth echo across the Galaxy and are heard by not only his master, but even the Jedi on Deneba. Vodo fears that this is the first echo of a storm that will consume the galaxy.

Triumph of darkness

All at once, the dark side gains ascendancy, and Deneba is suddenly attacked by a barrage of thousands of Krath war droids, deployed by a hidden Tetan Corsair. A massive battle breaks out as the servant droids draw weapons and attack the Jedi as well. In the chaos, Master Arca Jeth is defeated. As Ulic's beloved master passes into the Force in his arms, Exar Kun experiences rebirth.

Kun marvels at the power of the dark side, and Nadd tells him of the feats of Naga Sadow and what lies at Yavin 4. Suddenly Nadd takes Kun's lightsaber, and several Tuk'ata attack Kun. Through anger and the power of the dark side, he retrieves his lightsaber and slays the beasts, passing the final test. He then begins his journey to Yavin 4.

Following the Battle of Deneba, Ulic grieves over the death of his master. Against the warnings of his friend Nomi, he decides to go through with his mission of infiltrating the Krath and destroying them from within. Though Nomi warns him not to underestimate the power of the dark side, Ulic vows to conquer the dark side of the Force.

Collected in

  • Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith (TPB)
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Tales of the Jedi Vol. 3
  • Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi Omnibus












