The Show Must Go On

Official description

Nash's Jedi friends help reunite her favorite band.

Preparing for the concert

At the Jedi Temple on Tenoo, Nash Durango has planned a special concert to thank the Jedi for all they had done for Kublop Springs. Nash is accompanied by her trusty droid sidekick RJ-83 while other residents set up stalls. Besides organizing food stalls, Durango has invited the Ku-Bops to play that night. Meanwhile, Nubs and Kai Brightstar attempt to hoist a curtain over the stage but have trouble doing it. For the second attempt, the two Jedi Initiates use their Force powers to hoist the curtain into place. Zia Zaldor Zanna soon arrives with Lys Solay. Zanna thanks Durango for organizing the festivities before helping two human and Mirialan Jedi younglings who have tripped.

The missing band member

Durango tells her Jedi youngling friends that she has invited her favorite band, the Ku-Bops, to play that night. The band members consist of Metz (who plays the electric vioddle, Bruff (who plays the rumble bass), and Kit, their droid DJ. RJ beeps in Binary that he is Kit's biggest fan. Shortly later, a frantic Metz and Kit arrive. Metz tells Durango that Bruff is missing and is incommunicado. Metz fears that they will have to cancel the show. When Durango suggests that Bruff is late, Metz replies that Bruff is never late. Solay asks when was the last time he saw him. Metz recalls seeing Bruff at their rehearsal last night.

Durango panics about setting up for the concert but Solay says that they need to check if Bruff is fine. While Brightstar, Nubs, Kit and RJ stay behind to finish setting up, Durango heads off with Solay and Metz to find Bruff. Brightstar wishes that the Force will be with them. When Solay asks where Bruff usually goes after rehearsals, Metz recalls that he usually goes home. They head for Bruff's home on speeder bikes. Kai and Nubs then set up the speaker. At Brightstar's prompting, Nubs tests it but the volume is so loud that it knocks back RJ. Brightstar quips that it is working.

Looking for Bruff

Durango, Solay, and Metz travel on speeder bikes to Bruff's home. They knocked on the door and his younger brother Sep opens it. They asked if Bruff was home. Sep confirms that an unhappy Bruff returned home last night but subsequently left. Sep doesn't know why Bruff was upset but tells Solay that he likes her purple hair before returning into the house. When Solay asks Metz if Bruff was upset, he replies that Bruff might have been, but that he was too focused on preparing for tonight's performance to notice.

Solay says that when she is upset, she goes to her favorite Tenoo tree to watch the feed. When Solay asks if Bruff has a favorite place to go to when he is upset, Metz recalls that Bruff always goes to the Hap's Sap Tap. They went there, but he wasn't there. Instead, they find Hap preparing for tonight's concert. Hap confirms that an upset Bruff visited his cafe and that he served him his favorite drink to cheer him up. While Hap is unable to explain why Bruff was upset, he tells Metz and his friends that Bruff left behind his rumble bass. Metz believed that Bruff was so upset that he left his rumble bass. Durango asks where Bruff went but Hap doesn't know.

Back at the stage, Brightstar and Nubs finish setting up Kit's station, and Kit tests it out. The sound desk works and Brightstar is pleased with their progress. Brightstar says all that they need is the band. Meanwhile, Metz recalls that Bruff likes to relax by the river where he finds inspiration for his music. Metz heard a song the band wrote, and he started to run toward the dock where he finds Bruff. However, Bruff is unwilling to perform because he resents Metz for not letting him sing in their band. Whenever he asked Metz, he always says later. Metz insists on singing, claiming that it's his job in the band.

Rescue and reconciliation

Durango suggests that they can work out their differences while walking back to the temple. Bruff insists on singing or he will not come for the concert. Metz tries to persuade him by offering his rumble bass. While saying that Metz is too focused on the concert, Bruff takes a step back and accidentally falls into a nearby speeder. Metz tried to catch him but he falls in too. Metz accidentally hits and breaks the controls, and they start to drift toward the rapids and the waterfall.

Seeking to rescue their friends, Durango and Solay jump onto the Crimson Bolt and go after them. Before Metz and Bruff's runaway speeder can reach the edge of the waterfall, Lys uses the Force to wedge a log between two rocks, saving the two band members and their speeder. The Crimson Bolt then tows Metz and Bruff's speeder back to port.

Back at the dock, Bruff and Metz begin to argue about who was responsible for the accident. Durango tells them that they are not listening to each other. Solay says that both of them are at fault and that they should forgive each other as friends. Durango convinces Metz to let Bruff sing tonight and suggests that they take turns for future concerts. Metz apologizes to Bruff for being selfish and invites him to sing tonight. The two hug each other and Durango reminds them about the concert.

The concert

While Hap is serving sap-shakes, Brightstar wonders where the others are. Metz and Bruff arrive at the concert riding on a speeder bike, followed by Durango and Solay. Kit hugs the two bandmates. At the stage, Bruff apologizes for being late before launching the concert. Bruff sings a song about teamwork, impressing Master Zanna. Out of gratitude, Bruff and Metz invite Durango to sing with them.












