A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale

"A Hunter's Fate: The Story of Greedo" is a brief narrative penned by Tom and Martha Veitch for inclusion in the short-story collection titled Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, released by Bantam Spectra in 1995. This story delves into the background of the bounty hunter known as Greedo. Pablo Hidalgo later adapted it into a webstrip for Hyperspace.

Storyline Summary

Year 4 BBY

A young Greedo, along with his younger sibling, Pqweeduk, are found exploring various caverns within the jungles of the planet they now call home. Inside one cave, they stumble upon the remnants of three ancient Rodian spacecraft. Greedo then heads back to his dwelling and inquires with his mother, Neela, regarding the ships. Neela explains that numerous Rodians journeyed to this world seeking refuge from the clan wars that had previously taken Greedo's father from their family.

Shortly after this incident, Navik the Red, a Rodian warlord from the Chattza Clan, discovers the jungle settlement and commences a massacre of the pacifistic Rodians residing there. Neela, along with her children and her brothers, Nok and Teeku, boards one of the starships and flees the planet. Nok pilots them towards a densely populated area, hoping they can establish a fresh start. Ultimately, he guides them to Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon.

Four Years Later

Greedo has spent the last four years residing on Level 88 within the Corellian Sector of Nar Shaddaa. During this period, he has developed a friendship with a Sionian Skup named Anky Fremp and has managed to survive as a minor thief.

One day, Greedo observes Gorm the Dissolver, a droid bounty hunter, preparing to eliminate two other hunters, Spurch Goa and Dyyz Nataz. Hoping to forge connections within the bounty-hunting profession, Greedo shoots Gorm in the back, incapacitating him. Spurch, appreciative of the assistance, decides to mentor Greedo. However, Greedo remains unaware of Spurch's deep-seated hatred for Rodians, and that he is only keeping the young thief around for his own benefit.

Greedo then resolves to become the most renowned bounty hunter in the galaxy. He discovers that the Rebel Alliance operates a secret munitions depot on Level 88. He then sells this information to Spurch, who subsequently sells it to the Empire. Using the obtained funds, Greedo makes preparations to acquire his own starship. He visits Shug Ninx's repair shop, where he locates an Incom corsair that he deems perfect for his needs. He even has a name picked out for it—the Manka Hunter. However, the ship requires a couple of power couplings, prompting him to attempt to steal them from a YT-1300 light freighter stored at the garage. Han Solo and Chewbacca, the freighter's owners, apprehend him in the act and proceed to interrogate him. Ultimately, Han decides to allow Greedo to keep the couplings in exchange for his rancor-skin coat.

Soon after, Darth Vader utilizes the acquired intelligence and dispatches two Gamma-class assault shuttles to Nar Shaddaa to obliterate the Rebel storage facilities. Greedo grows concerned upon learning that his family's housing complex is located in close proximity to the impending siege.

Shortly thereafter, Greedo decides to depart from Nar Shaddaa and fully embark on his bounty-hunting career. Along with Spurch and Dyyz, he travels to Tatooine, a world situated in the Outer Rim Territories. Spurch successfully arranges an audience for Greedo with Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the infamous gangster. Jabba opts to assess the young Rodian's zeal by granting him exclusive bounty rights to capture Han Solo.

Greedo encounters Han on two separate occasions within the port city of Mos Eisley and attempts to coerce him into settling a debt owed to Jabba. Han instructs Greedo to return the following day, assuring him that he will have Jabba's money prepared. Greedo agrees and meets Han the next afternoon at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. A minor dispute erupts between the two, culminating in Han drawing his blaster and fatally shooting Greedo in the chest.

Observing from afar, Spurch Goa smirks, pleased that he successfully manipulated Greedo into targeting Han, confident that the Corellian would emerge victorious in a gunfight. Spurch had accepted payment from two Rodians named Thuku and Neesh to ensure Greedo's demise.


The events depicted in Greedo's childhood and early years are largely contradicted by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. In the episode titled "Sphere of Influence", Greedo is portrayed as a fully developed and active bounty hunter, which occurs several years prior to the events detailed in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.
