The violet-bladed lightsaber belonging to Anakin Solo was a weapon forged and wielded by the Jedi Knight Anakin Solo during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Its presence significantly impacted the war's progression, both when Anakin held it and afterward, as it passed through numerous hands after his passing.

During his early days of Jedi training, Anakin participated with a group of Jedi in the recovery of Obi-Wan Kenobi's third lightsaber from the planet Orloc. While the Yuuzhan Vong had taken control of Yavin 4, Anakin integrated a Lambent crystal, which he had acquired, into the construction of his lightsaber. This modification granted Anakin the ability to use "Vongsense," which allowed him to detect the presence of the Vong and their creations. Anakin Solo's lightsaber possessed a strong connection to the light side of the Force.
In the year 27 ABY, Anakin commanded a squad of Jedi on an operation with the objective of destroying the Voxyn cloning center situated on the Baanu Rass on Koros-Strohna. Despite his valiant efforts, he perished in battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, giving his life to safeguard his siblings and his fellow Jedi. Shortly after his death, Nom Anor seized possession of his lightsaber.

During the Myrkr mission, Jacen Solo was also captured and brought to Coruscant, which was then under Yuuzhan Vong occupation. While imprisoned by the Vong, Jacen was presented with Anakin's lightsaber as part of an attempt to sway him to embrace the True Way. Jacen accepted the lightsaber, but he deceived them by falsely claiming to have converted.
Ganner Rhysode arrived to free Jacen and employed Anakin's lightsaber to eliminate a significant number of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, while Jacen disrupted the functions of the World Brain. Ganner was killed during the conflict, and Nom Anor once again took the lightsaber. Later, Master Shaper Qelah Kwaad utilized it to showcase the enhancements made by Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane to the vonduun armor worn by her newly shaped Yuuzhan Vong elite soldiers. Nom Anor then reclaimed the lightsaber and presented it to Shimrra.
During the events of the Second Battle of Coruscant, Luke Skywalker engaged Shimrra in combat. As they fought, Shimrra taunted Luke by wielding his nephew's lightsaber. To Shimrra's shock and dismay, Luke used the Force to draw the lightsaber to himself, and subsequently used it to behead the Dread Lord.
Following Shimrra's death, the Yuuzhan Vong chose to surrender and departed for the Unknown Regions aboard Zonama Sekot. As the newly freed galaxy celebrated the arrival of peace, Han Solo embedded Anakin's lightsaber into the memorial tree dedicated to Chewbacca on Kashyyyk, bidding farewell to both of them.