Following the Battle of Yavin, the bounty hunter known as Chanath Cha initiated an assault upon the fortress belonging to Big String. This fortress was located in the aquatic regions of Amethia Prime, a planet situated within the Inner Rim. She obliterated his stronghold before chasing him across the seas. By maneuvering beneath his water speeder and propelling herself through it, Chanath brought it to a halt. After subduing his protectors, Chanath apprehended Big String. However, upon being contacted by Emperor Palpatine, she released him into the water. The Emperor then charged her with a fresh mission: retrieving his stolen luxury vessel, the Imperialis.
During the Age of the Empire, the amphibian crime lord Big String dedicated two decades (cycles) to establishing a criminal enterprise on the oceanic world of Amethia Prime located in the Inner Rim. He constructed a fortress to safeguard the majority of his earnings from diverse illicit activities. String also possessed assets beyond the planet. Shortly before the theft of the Emperor Palpatine's opulent yacht, Imperialis, String provoked an adversary who dispatched bounty hunter Chanath Cha with the objective of dismantling his organization and capturing him.
Cha forcefully gained entry into the fortress and detonated it. String managed to escape on a water speeder accompanied by three of his bodyguards. When one of the guards inquired about returning to search for survivors, String instructed him to proceed. However, Cha pursued them using rocket boots. Aware of Cha's skill, String urged his guard to increase their speed. Nevertheless, Cha swam underneath the water speeder and propelled herself upwards through the vehicle, rendering it inoperable and leaving it dead in the water.
String and his associates clung to the hull of the craft. He lamented the destruction of his fortress and questioned the reason for her attack and her identity. The bounty hunter introduced herself as Chanath Cha and informed String that someone had a grievance against him. She engaged String's bodyguards, casting them into the sea. Upon confronting String, he demanded to know her intentions. Cha responded that she would save him from drowning if he relinquished his blaster. String submitted.
Following String's capture, Cha transported him by grasping the edge of his trousers. String attempted to bribe her, but Cha countered by noting that she had destroyed much of his fortune. String countered that he possessed off-world assets. At that moment, Cha received a communication on her holoprojector. Recognizing the client as the Emperor, she released String into the ocean. The Emperor then assigned Cha the task of retrieving his yacht Imperialis, or destroying it if retrieval proved impossible, to prevent the items within from falling into enemy hands.
The assault on Big String's fortress was initially depicted in the 2015 comic Lando 2, authored by Charles Soule, illustrated by Alex Maleev, and colored by Paul Mounts.