
Beauchen was a planet where the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing executed a raid during 4 ABY. Caern Adan, who worked for the New Republic Intelligence, believed the fighter wing had a part in the raid and told the reprogrammed IT-O Interrogation Unit IT-O about his thoughts in that year. Adan and Yrica Quell, a New Republic pilot, were on the Lodestar, an Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship, in 5 ABY; they looked over the massacre that occurred at Anx Minor, and Quell thought it was just as bloody as the 204th's raid of Beauchen.

Behind the scenes

The planet Beauchen appeared in the new Star Wars canon for the first time in the 2019 book Alphabet Squadron, the first book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron series by Alexander Freed. In Star Wars Legends, Beauchen was first seen in the 1997 book Specter of the Past, penned by Timothy Zahn.

