
Sergeant Bruckman, a male Corellian, was handpicked by General Han Solo to be the lead man for the Alliance to Restore the Republic's commando strike team that deployed to Endor's moon in 4 ABY. Their mission: take out the shield generator protecting the Imperial Death Star II superweapon in orbit.

Bruckman was among those who made their way into the security bunker behind the generator to set explosives. However, Imperial forces ambushed and captured them. A local Ewok army then launched an attack on the Imperials, creating an opportunity for Bruckman and his comrades to fight back. Ultimately, the Alliance succeeded in destroying the generator, paving the way for the destruction of the Death Star.


Strike team sergeant

Bruckman and the strike team traveled to Endor on the Tydirium.

A human male hailing from Corellia, Sergeant Bruckman served in the Alliance Military during the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire. In 4 ABY, General Han Solo, also a Corellian, designated Bruckman as the point man for the commando strike team he led during the Battle of Endor. Their objective was to neutralize the Death Star's shield generator on the moon of Endor, thus enabling the Alliance to destroy the Empire's Death Star II superweapon in the Endor system.

Upon arriving on Endor aboard the stolen Imperial shuttle Tydirium, the team landed some distance from their target. They cautiously navigated the dense undergrowth to reach the relative safety of the surrounding forest. During the trek, Solo and some other key team members became separated. Consequently, the general instructed Major Bren Derlin to lead Bruckman and the remaining members to regroup at the generator by 03:00 hours the following morning. By the time they linked up again, Solo and his group had forged an alliance with a local tribe of Ewoks. Together, the Alliance forces and the Ewoks advanced towards a security bunker serving as the generator's rear entrance. After the Ewok Paploo successfully diverted the majority of the guards, Bruckman and a select group of team members accompanied Solo inside.

Capture before victory

Bruckman and the other rebels were captured in the bunker.

Navigating the bunker's maze-like corridors towards the control room, the Rebels suffered one casualty in a skirmish with nine stormtroopers. Upon reaching the control room, they compelled the Imperial personnel to surrender and began preparing explosive charges. However, they soon realized they had walked into a trap. The Empire, anticipating the attack, revealed hidden forces and forced the Rebels to surrender. Bruckman, along with Solo and the others, were led outside, where they were confronted by a substantial Imperial force.

Just when all hope seemed lost, the uncaptured Rebel protocol droid C-3PO emerged from the nearby forest, drawing several stormtroopers after him. The Ewok army then launched a full-scale assault on the Imperials, creating chaos that allowed Bruckman and the other captive rebels to turn the tables on their captors. In the ensuing chaos, the rebels managed to re-enter the bunker, successfully destroying it and enabling the Alliance Fleet to obliterate the Death Star above.

Personality and traits

Bruckman possessed fair skin and blue eyes.


Bruckman was clad in camouflaged commando outfit, including a jacket, pants, helmet, and brown boots.

Behind the scenes

Bruckman made an appearance in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the 1983 film from the original trilogy. Within current Star Wars canon, the character's identity was first established in the English version of "The Battle of Endor and the Fall of the Empire," a part of De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia series, which initially debuted in Spanish on June 29, 2021. The name Bruckman originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing on a card in the 1999 Endor Limited expansion for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

