Chewbacca (2015) 1

Chewbacca Issue 1 represents the initial installment of the five-part Star Wars: Chewbacca miniseries, a comic book published by Marvel. Gerry Duggan served as the writer, while Phil Noto provided the illustrations. The release date was October 14, 2015.

Publisher's summary

CHEWBACCA, the famous Wookiee warrior and accomplished co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon, is getting his own limited comic series! Following the battle of Yavin, Chewbacca finds himself alone after his ship crash lands on a planet under Imperial control. Stranded, Chewie is torn between returning to the rebellion and assisting a spirited young girl in need. Gerry Duggan (known for DEADPOOL, 1872, HULK) and Phil Noto (known for BLACK WIDOW, X-23, UNCANNY X-FORCE) present an all-new story of the heroic Wookiee we adore.

Plot summary

On Andelm IV, a planet in the Outer Rim, Jaum, an alien gangster, along with Tyvak, his Shistavanen enforcer and bodyguard, visit the residence of Arrax, a Human who owes him money, and his daughter Zarro. Unable to settle his debt, Jaum forces Arrax and Zarro into indentured servitude within the Andelm beetle caverns. Arrax and Zarro are made to collect Andelm beetles larvae, valuable for their chemical properties. Wishing to protect his daughter from suffering, Arrax smuggles Zarro out in a cart filled with beetle larvae, instructing her to stay away from their home and the caverns. Upon reaching the surface, Jaum's guards notice her absence, but Zarro escapes on a speeder.

Meanwhile, Chewbacca, the Wookiee, is resting on a flower bed, having crash-landed his RZ-1 A-wing interceptor on the planet. His rest is disturbed when he discovers that the starfighter's engines are broken, causing him to roar in frustration. Elsewhere, Zarro seeks help from a local councilor, only to find that Jaum has bribed them. Chewie, on the other hand, is trying to fix his A-wing. In a city on Andelm IV, Zarro attempts to sell her speeder to a Besalisk junk dealer. However, the Besalisk, also in Jaum's pocket, seizes the speeder, claiming it's stolen. When the Besalisk and another thug try to capture Zarro, she is forced to run away into the streets.

Later, Chewbacca tries to purchase a flight stabilizer from the Besalisk, who demands 100 Credits. Lacking the necessary funds, Chewie visits a casino to gamble. He plays sabacc against the casino's CZ-series secretary/business communications droid and successfully doubles his credits. Soon after, Zarro enters the casino to hide. Feeling sorry for her, Chewie signals her to hide behind his table. Tyvak and several enforcers enter the casino looking for the fugitive. Tyvak doesn't bother to search Chewie due to the Wookiee's reputation as a strong fighter. Chewie shares a bowl of broth with Zarro.

Chewie uses the money to buy a flight stabilizer. Later, Zarro befriends Chewbacca and tells him about her father's debts and their predicament. She explains that Arrax and their friends are in "big trouble" and need help from someone intimidating. Chewie roars in agreement and gives her a piggyback ride. Zarro tries to lead Chewie to Jaum's work camp, but the Wookiee goes back to his damaged A-wing. Despite not knowing the Wookiee language, Zarro desperately tries to get Chewie to promise to help her before he leaves. While watching Chewie repair his ship, Zarro thinks about her mother leaving Andelm IV on a starship.

After some back and forth, Zarro convinces Chewie to help her by revealing that she and her father were enslaved by Jaum. This resonates with Chewbacca, who was once enslaved by the Empire. Chewie raises his bowcaster in agreement, and Zarro hugs him. Meanwhile, Jaum and Tyvak travel on a speeder to a secret nighttime meeting with an Imperial officer. Jaum has been trying to sell high-quality dedlanite to the Galactic Empire and presents a sample to the officer. After examining the sample, the officer asks Jaum if he has the capacity to deliver it in large quantities. Jaum assures him that he has a "team ready to work itself to death for the Empire."


To celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4, 2016, Marvel re-issued Chewbacca 1 as part of the True Believers program, which offers reprints of popular comics at a budget price of $1.



