During the era of the Clone Wars, the Coronet functioned as a luxurious liner, a transport vessel, and a diplomatic ship for Duchess Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorian government, who were New Mandalorians. As a symbol that represented the pacifistic ideals of the New Mandalorians in the aftermath of the Mandalorian Civil War, the Coronet was a prime example of the exceptional craftsmanship, diplomatic capabilities, and overall usefulness that the Mandalore sector could provide to the wider galaxy. Satine traveled aboard the Coronet to Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, during the Clone Wars to reinforce her stance of neutrality. However, during this journey, she was targeted for assassination by Senator Tal Merrik, who managed to sneak assassin probes onto the ship. Despite being held hostage and the ship almost being destroyed, Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker intervened and saved both the Duchess and the Coronet.
The Coronet, a custom Nau'ur-class yacht crafted by Kalevala Spaceworks, was designed to serve as both the personal transport of Mandalorian leader Duchess Satine Kryze and an emblem of the New Mandalorian government she led. The upper portion of the ship was styled to resemble ancient Kalevalan ocean liners, and the helmsman even controlled the vessel using a traditional wooden wheel.

Upon boarding, one would first encounter the Promenade, a magnificent hall that displayed various high-quality exports from planets across the Mandalore sector. The lavishly adorned interiors and hallways featured Jakelian tuft-oak, lapis from Draboon, and carpets made on the looms of Harswee. The upper deck was primarily used to accommodate Duchess Satine's traveling entourage and included a throne room along with several royal suites for her special guests.
To cater to passengers ranging from politicians to wealthy individuals, the Coronet boasted numerous amenities, including wellness suites, zero-G hydro spas, staterooms, banquet halls, a cantina, a library, and a casino. These facilities were accessible to all, regardless of cabin location. Many rooms featured transparisteel windows that allowed passengers to admire the spectacle of hyperspace during jumps. The upper section of the Coronet also housed the main bridge, officers' quarters, escape pods, kitchens, and the primary entrance at the ship's aft. In addition to the Coronet's crew and Duchess Satine's personal guard, the Mandalorian Protectors, the ship was staffed by numerous LEP-series service droids and 3PO-series protocol droids for passenger assistance, as well as the more advanced, human-like BD-3000 luxury droids.
The upper deck also contained several engineering stations, located at the aft and directly beneath the main entrance ramp of the ship. A secondary boarding ramp could extend directly to these systems, near the motors and reactor shaft.

The long, vertical section of the ship's hull accommodated the Coronet's more practical facilities. Beneath the hull were expansive cargo holds, economy-class cabins, and crew quarters. The first-class cargo holds were prioritized within the darkened cargo area. The section of the hull below the cargo holds contained extensive power trunking, converters, and repulsorlift projectors. The lowest sections of the ship housed the Coronet's limited weaponry, which included laser and ion cannons. These armaments were intended for defense against pirates, aligning with Duchess Satine and the New Mandalorian's commitment to pacifism. Due to its unique shape, the Coronet required specially designed landing platforms or tall structures to accommodate the long, vertical section of its hull during docking.
In 21 BBY, Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, a planet, used the vessel to travel to Coruscant with the purpose of discussing the recent actions of the terrorist organization Death Watch with the Galactic Senate. Among the passengers were Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, Republic clone troopers under their command, and various diplomatic figures, including Senators Kin Robb, Orn Free Taa, Onaconda Farr, and Tal Merrik. As the guests began dining with Kenobi, Skywalker and his troops discovered assassin probes in the cargo hold. One of the probes escaped and entered the dining room, where Kenobi eventually subdued it.

After Tal Merrik was exposed as a traitor who had smuggled the probes aboard, he seized Satine as a hostage and made his way to the bridge. Merrik stormed the bridge, killing the four Senate Commandos and a male human captain stationed there, before pulling the Coronet out of hyperspace. He then contacted Pre Vizsla, who dispatched reinforcements in the form of several Droch-class boarding ships, which deployed B2-series super battle droids. Following a brief battle against the droids, Skywalker killed Merrik, and the Coronet completed its voyage to Coruscant.
The Coronet made its debut in the final scene of "The Mandalore Plot," the twelfth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season. The ship plays a significant role in the subsequent episode, "Voyage of Temptation," serving as the story's primary setting. Dave Filoni, the series' Supervising Director, provided the inspiration for the Coronet's unique design, conceiving the ship in two distinct parts: the upper section, featuring first-class lounges and a wooden steering wheel reminiscent of 20th-century luxury ocean liners, and the lower sections, which embraced more conventional science-fiction concepts, drawing inspiration from the dark and unsettling corridors of the ship in the film Alien.