Dark side marauder

Beliadarzu Belia Darzu The designation dark side marauder was applied to warriors who exploited the raw power of the Force to indulge their violent urges, inevitably leading them to embrace the tenets of the dark side. These individuals augmented their combat skills through a connection with the Force that was usually, but not always, self-taught, creating a dark amalgamation that blended the traits of a soldier with those of a Jedi Guardian. Dark side marauders have emerged from diverse origins since the time of the Old Republic. While most pursued their bloody activities on their own, some were known to be part of larger galactic organizations, most notably the Sith Order and the Galactic Empire. Their choice of weaponry varied widely, including vibroweapons, blasters, lightsabers, or simply the unbridled destructive potential of the dark side itself.


The label dark side marauder was used for Force-sensitive beings who, because of their violent tendencies, personalities, or inherent instincts, fell prey to the dark side while harnessing the Force to enhance their fighting abilities. These warriors combined the best qualities of a soldier with those of the combat-oriented Guardians of the Jedi Order. However, lacking the strict rules and codes of the Jedi, they evolved into living weapons and extensions of the dark side. Often bloodthirsty by nature, dark side marauders commonly sought opportunities to unleash their powers on other beings. Many took on professions similar to mercenaries to achieve this, with some becoming professional soldiers, bodyguards, enforcers, or even gladiators. Others simply operated as street thugs or adventurers.

Without a standard set of principles, dark side marauders employed a broad range of combat styles and weapons, including basic melee weapons, blaster pistols, blaster rifles, vibroweapons, and even lightsabers, especially the double-bladed variant. Only a small number had formal training in the Force, sometimes under a cruel instructor, or from an exclusive Force-using organization. Some succumbed to the dark side unintentionally, often due to trauma from war or criminal activity. Most developed their abilities firsthand while living lives of violent conflict, often driven by the addictive nature of the dark side. As they gained experience, marauders were known to abandon conventional weapons in favor of the raw, destructive power of the dark side.


A dark side marauder wielding a lightsaber.

Since the era of the Old Republic, dark side marauders generally preferred to operate alone rather than in groups, which made them relatively rare in the galaxy. Some of these individuals rose to power as warlords, establishing their own kingdoms and strongholds through violent conquests. During the Old Sith Wars, a group of Massassi warriors—a sub-sect of the Sith species—were enslaved and alchemically mutated by a Sith Lord named Exar Kun, transforming them into dark side marauders.

Several dark side marauders gained notoriety during the New Sith Wars, including Belia Darzu, a prominent figure in the resurgent Sith faction. Additionally, during the Ruusan campaign, a powerful Sith Warrior named Kaox Krul fought against the Jedi as a servant of the Brotherhood of Darkness. Dark side marauders continued to exist during the declining years of the Galactic Republic. Their violent actions often prompted intervention from the Jedi, leading to the quick destruction of their territories. Another marauder who embraced the Sith teachings was Darth Maul, a Sith Lord who, under the apprenticeship of Darth Sidious, was molded into a deadly living weapon. At least one marauder came from the Jedi Order, most notably the failed Padawan Xanatos.

After the fall of the Republic and the Jedi, several dark side marauders served within the newly formed Galactic Empire. Months after the start of the Jedi Purge, a cruel Force Adept named Del Korrot worked as a Jedi hunter for Emperor Palpatine. Another individual, Azrakel, was initially subjected to Palpatine's dark side experiments but was later trained as a hateful servant of Supreme Prophet Kadann. Two more marauders, Gorc and Pic, were alchemically mutated by the Imperial scientist Cronal, creating a symbiotic bond between them. Near the end of the Jedi Purge, a powerful darksider named Arden Lyn, who lived during the First Great Schism, awoke from a slumber that lasted for millennia, and eventually became an Emperor's Hand for Palpatine.

During the Galactic Civil War, Emperor Palpatine's servants were known to seek out independent dark side marauders, intending to either recruit them or eliminate them as potential threats to the Empire. Notably, the Force-sensitive mercenary Sedriss eventually became one of Palpatine's Dark Side Adepts. The marauders experienced a resurgence after the Empire's downfall, which led to the rise of the New Republic, the emergence of the New Jedi, and the devastating invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong. This chaotic period allowed the marauders to expand their activities without oversight or opposition, marking a new golden age for them.

Behind the scenes

The Dark Side Enforcer figurine card, resembling the original dark side marauder.

The dark side marauder (sometimes written as Dark Side Marauder) is a prestige character class featured in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by Wizards of the Coast. Details about the class mechanics, along with some in-universe background information, were provided in The Dark Side Sourcebook, a roleplaying supplement released in 2001. The Star Wars Miniatures set known as Champions of the Force includes a figurine called "Dark Side Enforcer" that resembles the original dark side marauder as depicted in The Dark Side Sourcebook.

