Darth Maul — Son of Dathomir, Number Three represents the third installment in the comic book series Star Wars: Darth Maul — Son of Dathomir. Within this issue, the former Sith Lord Darth Maul has taken Count Dooku and General Grievous prisoner. Dooku aligns himself with the one-time Sith apprentice, and together they fend off a Jedi-led Galactic Republic attack that results in the two Sith encountering both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu. Additionally, secrets from Darth Maul's history come to light.
The writing for Son of Dathomir, Part Three was done by Jeremy Barlow, with illustrations by Juan Frigeri. It originates from "Proxy War," an episode written by Aïda Mashaka Croal and Matt Michnovetz for the unproduced sixth season of the television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Given its foundation in a script from the series, which was created by George Lucas, it is considered part of the official Star Wars canon. Dark Horse Comics released this 40-page comic on July 16, 2014.
"Darth Maul has managed to capture Darth Sidious's newest apprentice! Mother Talzin and Maul try to persuade Count Dooku to join their cause, revealing surprising information about Maul's background. However, an assault by an elite Jedi team throws everyone's plans into disarray!"

Following the battle that occurred on Ord Mantell between the Shadow Collective and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, where Darth Maul and Death Watch took Count Dooku and General Grievous as prisoners, the Jedi Order dispatches a team to Ord Mantell to investigate the events. Jedi Master Mace Windu gets in touch with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, informing him that Darth Maul orchestrated the battle. Windu believes the Galactic Republic might utilize this information to apprehend Maul and Dooku, potentially ending the Clone Wars through their capture.
The Jedi continue their investigation within Ord Mantell City. Accompanying Windu are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tiplee, and Aayla Secura. They come across a Death Watch helmet, which validates their information that Mandalore had formed an alliance with Darth Maul. Concerned that Mandalore could fall under Separatist control, Kenobi and Tiplee initiate an investigation of Vizsla Keep 09, the location where the Jedi suspect Maul is hiding.
At the outpost, Maul communicates with Darth Sidious via hologram, informing him about the capture of Dooku and Grievous. Sidious instructs Maul to eliminate them, as the Dark Lord of the Sith deems them failures. Instead of immediately killing them, Maul gives the order to imprison Grievous in the brig. Meanwhile, the Jedi begin their approach towards the outpost, and Tiplee expresses concern that Kenobi might struggle to control his emotions; Maul was responsible for the death of Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore and a close friend of Kenobi. Kenobi reassures his fellow Jedi that he will maintain control.
As the Republic force nears, Maul presents Dooku with a choice: join Maul or face death. Given their shared betrayal by Sidious, Maul suggests they could become allies. Mother Talzin materializes in a cloud of magick smoke, revealing that she too was once betrayed by Darth Sidious—furthermore, Darth Maul is her son. Talzin explains that Sidious consistently betrays his allies and is currently seeking a new apprentice. As they converse, the Republic assault on the outpost commences, with Republic ships navigating through Gauntlet fighter fire towards the base. Grievous capitalizes on the chaos to reach an escape pod, while Dooku agrees to join Maul and confront Kenobi's boarding party.

Upon Kenobi and his team's arrival, he and Tiplee are promptly confronted by Maul and Dooku. A lightsaber duel ensues, soon joined by Windu and Secura. The extended duel concludes when Dooku kills Tiplee, and Gar Saxon launches a small missile into the lightsaber fight to incapacitate the Jedi. With the Jedi incapacitated, Maul and Dooku escape aboard a Gauntlet fighter. Following the battle, Windu contacts Palpatine, informing him of the outcome. The Jedi Master also deduces that the battle confirms Dooku as the Sith Master, an inaccurate assessment that Palpatine, the true Dark Lord, allows the Jedi to maintain.
Son of Dathomir, Part Three is based on "Proxy War," an episode written by Aïda Mashaka Croal and Matt Michnovetz for what would have been the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.