Darth Vader #6 represents the sixth installment in the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader. It also concludes the initial story arc of the series, known as Vader. This particular comic, penned by Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Salvador Larroca, saw its release on June 3, 2015.
- The schemes of the Emperor are brought to light!
- Vader's destiny undergoes a complete shift!
- The story of Vader's transformation, spanning from A New Hope to The Empire Strikes Back, continues to unfold! [1]
While Darth Vader engages in combat with Cylo's "creations", Cylo seizes the opportunity to present his creations to Emperor Palpatine. Vader clashes with Aiolin and Morit Astarte, the offspring of the Astarte line who originally financed his early research. The Astartes had relinquished their children to the Galactic Empire as a means of restoring honor to their lineage. Under the Empire's supervision, they were subjected to extensive indoctrination, genetic alterations, rigorous combat training, and the implantation of cybernetic enhancements. As the Astartes deploy their flamethrowers, Cylo clarifies that they were once human, but have now evolved into something far more.
As Lord Vader battles the Trandoshan warrior, Cylo informs the Emperor that his system is essentially immortal. He also integrated a training AI within the Trandoshan to refine its primal instincts. Vader successfully singes the Trandoshan's left shoulder using his lightsaber. Cylo assures the Emperor that if the Trandoshan proves unsatisfactory, he can always utilize an alternative host body, potentially including a rancor.
The fourth contender is the Imperial scientist Tulon Voidgazer, who has engineered numerous remotes directly governed by her augmented cerebellum. Cylo elucidates that she perceives the world through Cylo's drone network and engages in combat utilizing them. Cylo reveals that many of her comrades perished on the Death Star, fueling her obsession with vengeance. The fifth contender is the Mon Calamari Commander Karbin, a veteran of the Clone Wars who sustained severe injuries and has spent the last eighteen years sustained by life support. Cylo equipped him with an exoskeleton modeled after General Grievous' exoskeleton.
With the Emperor's consent, Cylo permits his creations to engage Lord Vader in a fight to the death. Lord Vader confronts the Trandoshan warrior, Aiolin, and Commander Karbin simultaneously. Before Vader can eliminate the Trandoshan, Morit impales and kills him. With the number of contenders reduced, Lord Vader commands them to cease fighting. Vader and Morit exchange taunts. Morit views Vader as a competitor, while Vader is infuriated that Morit stole his "kill."
Addressing Vader, Cylo, and his "creations," the Emperor instructs them to eliminate all adversaries of the Empire. However, he cautions them that he only requires a single apprentice. He forbids them from killing one another, or from doing so in a manner that he would remain unaware of. Subsequently, he summons Lord Vader for a private discussion.
The Emperor expresses admiration for Lord Vader's clandestine efforts to amass forces beyond his immediate sphere of influence. He believes that Vader possesses a strong likelihood of prevailing against the others. Lord Vader regards Cylo's creations as abominations and heresy. Darth Sidious reminds Lord Vader that he is the master, and Vader is his apprentice. It is Vader's responsibility to absorb all that he knows, and it is Sidious' responsibility to impart all that he can teach. Sidious emphasizes that Vader himself is a cyborg and owes his continued existence to him.
The Emperor voices his disappointment with Vader's injuries sustained on Mustafar, suggesting that he has diminished in strength. Lord Vader is angered by the fact that Cylo has been training the Astarte twins for two decades as potential replacements. The Emperor counters that the dark side represents strength. If they are able to defeat him, then they are indeed strong. If he defeats them, he proves that he is the stronger of the two. The Emperor reminds him that he bestowed the name Vader upon him when he pledged allegiance to the Sith, and that Vader has proven his worth then and will continue to prove himself worthy going forward.
An enraged Lord Vader commands Dr. Aphra to immediately depart on their ship. He refuses to address any of her inquiries. While in space, Dr. Aphra informs him that he has received a message from the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who has located the boy. Later, Lord Vader meets with Boba Fett on the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Lord Vader expresses his displeasure that Fett lost his target. Fett manages to inform the Sith Lord that the boy's name is Skywalker, evoking memories of Padmé Amidala and the moment he learned of her death.
A furious Lord Vader shatters the viewport glass of the Star Destroyer. He then communicates with the Emperor via holoprojector. Darth Sidious senses the anger of his apprentice and inquires whether he remains defiant or acknowledges his place. Lord Vader admits to his anger but pledges not to fail. While reflecting on his memories of Padmé, the Battle of Yavin, and his encounter with Skywalker on Cymoon 1, Lord Vader declares that he has a son and vows that he will belong to him, as he gazes upon a fleet of Star Destroyers.