Darth Vader (2015) 7

Issue number 7 of the Marvel comic book series, entitled Darth Vader 7, marks the beginning of the second story arc, Shadows and Secrets, which spans six issues within the Star Wars: Darth Vader series. Kieron Gillen penned the comic, while Salvador Larroca provided the artwork; it was made available on July 1, 2015.

What the Publisher Says

Story in Brief

A Return to Tatooine

Accompanied by Dr Aphra, Triple Zero, and BT-1, Darth Vader pays a visit to the deserted Lars moisture farm located on Tatooine. Despite Dr. Aphra's confusion regarding Vader's interest, Vader reveals that the boy responsible for the Death Star's destruction once resided there, but departed after his family was murdered. Vader seeks any indication of Skywalker's whereabouts. Triple Zero expresses sorrow for the destroyed droids.

Aphra points out that Luke wouldn't have destroyed the Death Star if the Empire hadn't killed his family, suggesting revenge as a driving force. Vader concurs, but believes they've arrived too late and should proceed.

The pair then journey to Ben Kenobi's home, the site of a previous ambush and confrontation between Boba Fett and Skywalker. Vader observes the damaged surroundings and acknowledges Luke's strength in the Force, yet believes his training is minimal. Vader ridicules Kenobi for his unsuccessful attempt to conceal Skywalker.

He informs Aphra that he has concluded his search. She then deploys a molecular purge bomb to eliminate all traces of their presence. Vader tells Aphra he must return to his duties, but will have a task for her soon.

Matters on Son-tuul

At the Son-tuul Pride base, Yonak's father is in conversation with a Twi'lek smuggler, who failed his assignment due to the Empire's crackdown. The Rodian dismisses the smuggler's excuses, warning him that he will share the same fate as other failed subordinates. Their severed heads are displayed in a cupboard. After throwing a head to his caged beast, Yonak's father prepares to execute the Twi'lek for his failure, stating, "For all your fears of your Imperials, you came here. You're still more afraid of me." Yonak's father then discovers a glowing tracer hidden in the Twi'lek's clothing, which is signaling the Galactic Empire.

Darth Vader leads stormtroopers into combat

The building is breached by an explosion. Darth Vader leads a group of stormtroopers into the base. Yonak's father releases a large horned beast in an effort to disperse the Imperials. However, Vader uses the Force to deliver the Rodian father to the horned beast as food. He then kills the beast by impaling it through the head with his lightsaber.

A stormtrooper informs Vader that the Twi'lek smuggler who led them there was killed in the fighting. "Unfortunate..." Vader replies, suspecting the Twi'lek possessed further information. They seize the illicit credits. Vader grants control of the Son-Tuul territory to the Rodian's Hutt rival, Sutha, who is aligned with Jabba the Hutt. Sutha is pleased that Yonak's father is gone. Vader and Sutha discuss the relationship between the Empire and the Hutt Cartel. In exchange for eliminating competitors, such as the Son-tuul Pride, and providing markets for the Hutts' goods, the Hutts supply the Empire with resources.

Sutha requests that Vader disclose the planned route for the Son-tuul Pride's credits. Vader responds that the credits are now Imperial property and that the crackdown was not solely for the Hutts' benefit. Sutha is disappointed, but acknowledges that the Hutts now control Son-tuul's underworld. Vader instructs Sutha to tell Jabba to be satisfied with his gains, but also to warn him against exceeding his limits.

A Den of Iniquity

In another location, a bouncer attempts to deny entry to a red IG-series droid, IG-90, at a bar. The droid responds by killing him. The Trandoshan bounty hunter, Bossk, asks if he is finished. IG-90 replies, ""I have made my point." He explains that he was delayed by Imperial checkpoints and asks if he has missed anything. Bossk says he missed nothing. The diminutive bounty hunter, Beebox, emerges from nearby curtains and tells the two he saw "the Wookiee" in the fighting pit and that the "dumb lump" became nostalgic.

They observe the Wookiee bounty hunter, Krrsantan, fighting another Wookiee in the arena. When IG-90 inquires about Black Krrsantan, Bossk explains that he volunteered for the fight, noting that he has never encountered a Wookiee who volunteered. Beebox suggests buying Black Krrsantan a drink after the match. The Wookiee then presents Beebox with a braid of hair taken from the defeated Wookiee. Beebox is surprised by the gift, noting it is not his birthday. Dr. Aphra tells them to calm down and for Krrsantan to wipe his mouth because "ladies are present."

She informs the bounty hunters that the Empire has dismantled the Son-tuul Pride and seized their fortune. IG-90 replies, "everyone knows this."

Dr. Aphra reveals that the Son-tuul Pride's wealth is being transported aboard an Arquitens-class light cruiser. She invites the bounty hunters to join her in a plan to steal the money from the Imperial cruiser.

