Darth Vader #5 marks the fifth installment in the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader. Furthermore, it represents the fifth of six issues comprising the initial story arc, known as Vader. This comic, penned by Kieron Gillen and visually brought to life by Salvador Larroca, saw its release on May 13, 2015.
Continuing the narrative path established by the preceding four issues of the Darth Vader series, this issue depicts the Sith Lord Darth Vader leading his battle droid forces toward the base managed by Emperor's enigmatic agent, Cylo. Within this base, Vader uncovers the individuals whom Cylo-IV was experimenting on and recreating, with the ultimate goal of replacing Vader as the Emperor's primary enforcer.
Dr Aphra informs Darth Vader, while aboard the repurposed Naboo Royal Starship belonging to Darth Vader, that she has located the clandestine base of Cylo. When she attempts a joke, Lord Vader cautions her against levity. Cylo's research base is revealed to be an enormous cyborg whale-ship, which Lord Vader denounces as an "abomination." Under Vader's command, Aphra initiates the illicit boarding procedure by deploying a low-level ion charge. Aphra exclaims "May the Force be with you" before remarking that this is the greatest job of her life.
The ion charge serves to divert the attention of the crew aboard Cylo's Flagship, thereby enabling Vader's team to successfully land their starship. Armored marines then converge around a blast door, which begins to glow red due to extreme external pressure. Triple Zero makes his entrance and implores the sentries to refrain from firing. He identifies both himself and BT-1. However, this is a calculated distraction orchestrated by Darth Vader, who employs his lightsaber to create an opening in the ship's organic hull, thus exposing the sentries to the vacuum of space. Observing from a distance, Aphra ridicules the sentries for their failure to equip magnetic clamps and proceeds to reseal the vent.
Subsequently, Lord Vader boards Cylo's Flagship, accompanied by Triple Zero, BT-1, and a contingent of repurposed BX-series droid commandos. Dr. Aphra remains on the Naboo royal starship, relaying intelligence to Vader regarding the layout of Cylo's base, utilizing the schematics acquired by BT-1 from the system and the data extracted by Triple Zero from Cylo IV. Based on Aphra's briefings, Lord Vader dispatches the second platoon to the Dojo, while the first platoon remains with him. Triple Zero and BT-1 then return to the ship.
Lord Vader and the first platoon proceed to eliminate another group of sentries. However, the second platoon encounters two enigmatic humans within the dojo area. After Aphra loses communication with the second platoon, Lord Vader and his droids enter the dojo and encounter a male and female human pair named Morit and Aiolin Astarte, both wielding lightsabers. Despite this, they are unable to harness the Force and possess cybernetic enhancements that grant them the ability to manipulate their surroundings and execute extraordinary leaps.
They engage Lord Vader in combat but are interrupted by a man who bears a striking resemblance to Cylo-IV. Lord Vader expresses astonishment at seeing Cylo-IV alive, but Cylo clarifies that he has transferred his consciousness into a new body, designated Cylo-V, thereby achieving immortality. When Vader points out the lack of Force ability in Cylo's apprentices, Cylo explains that these individuals are intended to be Vader's "replacements". He then outlines his plans to render the Force obsolete before introducing his other "replacements": Tulon Voidgazer, a Trandoshan warrior, and the Mon Calamari cyborg Commander Karbin.
This revelation of "blasphemy" enrages Vader. Cylo counters by suggesting that Vader, as a cyborg, represents a transition between the old order and his new vision, referring to his creations as his "children." Consumed by fury, Vader attempts to strike down Cylo with his lightsaber, but is halted by Emperor Palpatine, who remarks that Vader is particularly sensitive regarding the subject of children. Cylo then explains that the demise of Cylo-IV led him to anticipate their arrival.
Given that they are ahead of schedule, Cylo proposes a demonstration to prove that the Emperor requires only one apprentice in a ceremonial capacity. He asserts that his "creations" possess a tighter grip than him. The Emperor then commands Cylo's creations to display something worthy of his attention as they converge on Lord Vader.