Detective division

The detective division of the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) functioned as its criminal investigative arm. Operating from the Coruscant Security Force Headquarters in Galactic City on the planet of Coruscant, it was overseen by a Chief of Detectives. This detective division's responsibility was the investigation of significant criminal activities, such as homicides and abductions, that exceeded the capabilities of patrol police officers and police droids. Among the notable cases they handled were the massacre at the headquarters of the Order of the Canted Circle in the Fobosi District, the assassination of Senator Pax Teem of Malaster and the arson at the Malastare embassy, the kidnapping of Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe, who were the daughters of Pantoran Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida, the murder of Senator Onaconda Farr of Rodia, the killing of Jedi Master Tresina Lobi, and the assassinations of the Bothan ambassador along with several other Bothans.


Serving as the investigative arm for the Coruscant Security Force (CSF), the detective division focused on probing into crimes like homicides, intricate unsolved cases, explosions, and other incidents necessitating specialized investigative skills. A Chief of Detectives oversaw the division, assigning cases and determining their priority. Police officers holding ranks above detective, such as a lieutenant, also participated in investigations and were known as inspectors.


Mass murders and Sith

Back in 52 BBY, CSF detectives were requested by a pair of Jedi Knights to examine a gruesome crime scene at the headquarters belonging to the Order of the Canted Circle located within the Fobosi District. Upon arriving, they discovered a multitude of corpses, including two Echani warriors thought to be bodyguards, a dozen Muuns from the InterGalactic Banking Clan, and three times that many Maladian assassins dressed in the Canted Circle Order's robes, all of whom had died from blaster fire and severe amputations. The Order's members, whose robes had been taken, were found bound and unconscious in various spots. The scattered amputated remains of the Maladians initially led CSF detectives to suspect an explosion, though no explosive evidence was found. The Jedi who reported the incident didn't disclose their reason for being there or their interest in the case.

Another significant crime scene at the Malastare embassy also drew the attention of CSF detectives. Senator Pax Teem of Malaster, along with several guests, had been killed, and the embassy was completely destroyed by fire. The CSF determined that the victims had been killed before the fire was started, based on the large amount of blood at the scene. This led detectives to believe that the mass killings and arson were orchestrated by organized crime. Unbeknownst to the CSF, the events at the Chanted Circle headquarters were a result of Senator Teem hiring the Maladian assassins to eliminate Hego Damask, the secret identity of Darth Plagueis. Palpatine and Sate Pestage interrupted the assassination, and together with Plagueis, killed the Maladians. Overcome with rage, Palpatine hunted down Senator Teem, invading the residence and slaughtering the security guards and dinner guests before setting Teem and the building ablaze. The sudden surge of the dark side of the Force alerted the Jedi, who dispatched two members of the Jedi Council to the scene. However, as before, the Jedi refused to explain their presence or interest in the case. With the Jedi, the Order of the Canted Circle, InterGalactic Banking Clan, and the Gran Protectorate remaining silent, the case stalled despite efforts by the Senate Investigative Committee to continue the investigation.

In 32 BBY, the CSF encountered the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Maul while he chased a group through the Crimson Corridor, including Jedi Padawan Darsha Assant and information broker Lorn Pavan, who possessed a special holocron with information about the ongoing blockade of Naboo. The Dark Lord, needing transportation quickly, hacked into Coruscant's security dispatch system, sending a false report of a droid banking crime. Two CSF officers, supported by a police cruiser backup unit, responded to the call. However, Darth Maul disabled the PCBU by jumping onto it and destroying the droid with his lightsaber. The officers turned their speeder bikes around, only to be killed by the Sith, who cut through their armor with his weapon. The Sith then commandeered one of the officer's speeders and continued his pursuit of Pavan and Assant.

The CSF investigated the incident later but couldn't explain how someone could jump fifteen feet into the air to reach the PCBU without being shot. Obi-Wan Kenobi was present during the investigation while searching for the missing Assant. He discussed the matter with the two investigators, a Mrlssi and a Sullustan, promising the Jedi Order's assistance. However, the issue was set aside upon his return to the Jedi Temple when he was sent to respond to the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. Around the same time, the CSF investigated the death of a Hutt nightclub owner and several of his thugs, all killed by Maul in his search for Pavan. A fragment of the report was later discovered by former Imperial aide Haninum Tyk Rhinann.

Routine investigations

In 22 BBY, Detective Dherik Rule, while on duty in the Taung Heights area, received a report from Latika Garboren who claimed to have found a Sith emblem in a blob of pastebread. Rule acknowledged her complaint but found no crime to investigate. Rule was later interviewed by HoloNet News about the incident.

Shortly after, CSF investigators responded to an airspeeder collision in the Bindai District. They found the dead body of Senator Nemrileo irm-Drocubac of Tanjay IV. The senator had been traveling in his airspeeder when it collided with a delivery truck. Further investigation led to the conclusion that there had been an internal guidance error. The police did not anticipate filing any charges, and the senator was laid to rest.

Later that year, Officer Wets Tranoj investigated the theft of Senator Simon Greyshade's XJ-6 airspeeder. The speeder was found thirty minutes after it was stolen from a Senatorial Quarters parkway. The police were alerted by a security system after seeing a young Human male jump into the vehicle and speed away. As the CSF examined the recovered speeder, a youth emerged from the Snapping Septoid entertainment facility. Seeing the CSF police officers, the youth ran away, yelling. Tranoj arrested the youth, Reymet Autem, and charged him with the theft after he admitted to being at Greyshade's quarters. This was somewhat embarrassing because Reymet was not only the son of Senate Guard Sagoro Autem, but Sagoro was also the designated bodyguard of Greyshade, the owner of the stolen speeder.

The speeder briefly went missing again from the crime scene while the CSF processed Reymet Autem. However, it was found returned to its original parking spot at the Senatorial speeder barn. Tranoj explained it as an oversight by a rookie police officer regarding some paperwork. This allowed its use by the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi—who had borrowed the speeder to chase down the assassin Zam Wesell after she attempted to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala—to go unnoticed.

The Clone Wars

Lieutenant Tan Divo was summoned to investigate the abduction of Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe, daughters of Pantoran Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida. However, during their search of Papanoida's apartment, the CSF failed to notice that Papanoida's Icon of the Moon Goddess had been moved, missing the trace amount of blood underneath. After the CSF left, Chairman Papanoida discovered the blood when replacing his idol. Analysis revealed it to be that of Greedo, a Rodian bounty hunter from Tatooine. Papanoida and his son, Ion, recovered Chi Eekway on Tatooine, and Che Amanwe was found aboard a Trade Federation battleship by Senator Riyo Chuchi and Jedi Padawan Tano, who had been instructed by her Master, Anakin Skywalker, to assist unofficially since the Jedi could not officially interfere with a matter delegated to the local police.

Lieutenant Divo, along with several police droids, later investigated the death of Senator Onaconda Farr of Rodia, who had collapsed after unknowingly ingesting a poison. Divo ordered a forensic report on Farr, and the investigation progressed largely due to the assistance of Senators Amidala and Bail Organa. Following Farr's funeral, Divo interrogated several senators in the Chancellor's Suite, but Amidala and Organa decided to investigate the murder themselves. They followed a lead from Senator Mee Deechi to the Coruscant docks, where they were attacked by Representative Lolo Purs, Farr's assistant and his murderer. Unaware of her identity, they managed to attract the attention of a CSF patrol. While the police droids secured the docks as a crime scene and questioned witnesses, Organa and Amidala were lectured by Divo for taking matters into their own hands. Amidala suspected Deechi had set them up, but upon returning to the Senate Building, they found Deechi fatally stabbed. With two murders in the Senate, Divo reacted quickly when Purs claimed she was attacked by Senator Halle Burtoni, a political ally of Deechi. Purs told Divo she believed Burtoni was the killer, and the inspector arrested Burtoni, attempting to get a confession to both murders by presenting evidence from his extensive forensic report on Farr. During the ensuing conversation, Purs was revealed as the killer of both Farr and Deechi, and after a brief attempt to take Amidala hostage, she was arrested by the CSF.

Following the Declaration of a New Order, the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire. Policing on Coruscant was restructured, with the majority of the detective division being transferred to the Imperial Security Bureau. This left local precincts to handle most criminal investigations.

Jedi, Bothans, and Chiefs

During the Second Galactic Civil War, Grand Master Luke Skywalker tasked Jedi Master Tresina Lobi with monitoring his son, Ben Skywalker, who was apprenticed to Jacen Solo. Master Skywalker was concerned about Solo's methods and actions as leader of the GAG, as well as Ben's involvement. However, while trailing Ben one night, Master Lobi was ambushed and killed by the Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya and Dark Jedi Alema Rar. The CSF notified Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, of the Jedi's death and asked them to come to the crime scene. There, they found two detectives, Gwad Raatu and Chal Tozr, along with several crime scene investigation droids. The Jedi and CSF detectives agreed to cooperate in finding the killer. They tracked Lumiya to an apartment and successfully gained entry, but found it empty and trapped. Using the Law Enforcement Tools Provision, Detective Raatu sliced into the apartment's central comm port.

Meanwhile, the CSF Chief of Detectives had dispatched detectives to investigate the murders of several Bothans, including a Bothan ambassador. When Detectives Raatu and Tozr sliced into Lumyia's comm port, they discovered she was responsible for the Bothans' murders. The detectives also found the apartment was a GAG safe house. The fact that the GAG was behind the Bothans' murders frightened the detectives, especially when the comm port announced their inquiries were being recorded by the GAG. Realizing the situation was beyond their control, the detectives formally closed the case on the murdered Jedi, leaving the Skywalkers to deal with the GAG.

Later, someone used the name of CSF "Captain Koltstan" as a cover to authorize the funeral procession for Admiral Cha Niathal, who had committed suicide after Chief of State Natasi Daala ordered her arrest and trial for her wartime actions. A quick investigation revealed no "Captain Koltstan" existed in the CSF, and Daala ordered the CSF to find out who actually paid for the procession. Though they failed to prevent Cal Omas' death, the CSF continued to protect the Chief of State with bodyguards and intelligence. As a result of Niathal's suicide, Daala's public approval plummeted. Consequently, the CSF's protection branch believed someone might attack Daala and suggested she not attend the funeral. Daala was reluctant, but her Chief of Staff, Wynn Dorvan, convinced her to heed the CSF's advice. The CSF reported that the threat level against the Chief of State during the procession increased significantly.

