
Dhina, a Cathar female, held the position of comscan officer on the New Republic Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Deliverance. Stationed on the command bridge, she reported directly to General Hera Syndulla. Following a conflict at the Circus of Mortal Appetites, she interrupted a conversation between Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic to inform Lark that the long-range comms channel he had requested was now open, though its availability was likely to be brief, causing Lark to depart from Chadic sooner than expected. During the pursuit of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, she attempted to track the comm bursts emitted by Yrica Quell from the bulk freighter Yadeez. She participated in both the Battle at Chadawa and the Battle of Jakku. In the latter battle, she endeavored to send a warning to the New Republic Starhawk-class Battleship Mark I Concord regarding Shadow Wing's impending assault, but she remained uncertain if the message successfully penetrated the particle field generated by the Yadeez. Subsequently, following Syndulla's orders, she assisted in the evacuation of the Deliverance after the ship sustained critical damage. She perished alongside Ragnell, a repair mechanic.

Personality and traits

By 5 ABY, Dhina was no older than eighteen years. Her mane was meticulously arranged around the fur of her face, and she had three missing fingers on her left hand. Hera Syndulla pondered whether Dhina met the criteria for adulthood within her species, given her relatively small stature.

Behind the scenes

Dhina's character was introduced in the 2021 novel titled Victory's Price, authored by Alexander Freed.[1]

