The comic tale titled "Epilogue" saw its release within the pages of Empire Ascendant 1 on December 18th, 2019.
On the world of Ozri II, a patrol force of the Galactic Empire, under the command of Imperial officer Thassilio Smeuse, successfully apprehends a Rebel Alliance retrieval squad. The squad's U-wing appears to have suffered an engine failure, forcing it to land in the swampy terrain. A stormtrooper commander dismisses the captured rebels as a "sorry looking bunch," doubting their knowledge of the rebel base's location. One of the rebels then speaks to Thassilio, reciting the phrase: "the red rancor avoids pursuing prey across the grassy plain."
Thassilio responds, completing the phrase: "but devours the yellow slitherwolves when they are full and drowsy." This exchange serves as a secret phrase, confirming their identities to the rebel team. They promptly produce blasters and eliminate the remaining Imperial forces. Captain Magna Tolvan, the leader of the extraction team, informs Thassilio that he is now considered rescued. Strike Team Misericorde then escapes aboard their U-wing, successfully evading pursuing TIE fighters and jumping into hyperspace. Tolvan and her team bring Thassilio to Echo Base on the planet Hoth, where he is greeted with a handshake from a high-ranking rebel officer.
Upon her return to Echo Base, Captain Tolvan seeks an update on the status of the planetary shield. The technician informs her that the frigid temperatures are causing interference with the generators. He also mentions that the evacuation drills require adjustments, revealing vulnerabilities in the rebels' defenses.
Shortly afterward, Captain Tolvan is approached by a rebel officer bearing a message from Dr. Aphra. Dr. Aphra expresses her apologies for leaving her companions. Believing that she is incapable of changing her nature, she has made the decision to protect those she cares about from her own flaws. Aphra considers herself a lost cause and believes that the best course of action is to keep the people she loves together, but at a distance. Aphra believes that Captain Tolvan, her father Korin Aphra, and Vulaada Klam are safer without her presence.
On the icy plains of Hoth, Vulaada employs her qaberworm, named Gurtyl, to guide a herd of tauntauns into Echo Base. Despite Captain Tolvan's initial order to have the creature destroyed, Princess Leia Organa intervened. Tolvan then calls Vulaada and Korin into the briefing room to discuss the message received from Dr. Aphra.
Within her message, Dr. Aphra confesses to having yearned for structure and order as she matured. She admits that chaos is not an improvement, describing herself as a "one-woman trail of destruction." Dr. Korin expresses his wonder at whether his daughter, whom he had believed to be deceased, had actually survived. In her message, Dr. Aphra states that while her knowledge, intelligence, and cunning have aided her in escaping difficult situations, they have more often been the cause of her troubles.
Korin informs Captain Tolvan of his intention to write a new account of the Rebel Alliance's history. He mentions that the four core principles are loosely based on Jedi apocrypha, but the Captain shows little interest. Within the message, Dr. Aphra speaks of forsaking ideals, morals, and the "ancient fanatics'" wisdom. She goes on to say that what truly matters is what haunts you, what joys you have, and what regrets fall like stars behind your eyes.
As Korin, Tolvan, and Vulaada view her hologram message, Dr. Aphra states that the true measure of a life is whether you can live with yourself, regardless of how others perceive you, especially when you are alone with your own choices. Dr. Aphra conveys to Korin, Tolvan, and Vulaada her happiness that they are together and implores them not to feel sorrow for her. She believes that they are better off without her presence. As Vulaada sheds a tear for Dr. Aphra, Aphra says she can understand their rage, regret, greed or grief but that love is letting go.
While contemplating Dr. Aphra's message, Tolvan asks the others if they believe that she made a positive impact or accomplished any good. Vulaada asks if she means ever while Dr. Korin opines that his daughter did not make a difference to the galaxy. Korin observes that rebellions often transform into tyrannies, leading to new rebellions. He cynically describes the cyclical nature of good turning into evil and evil turning into good.
Tolvan clarifies that Dr. Aphra was referring to the people she encountered. She points out that they are all together because of her. At that moment, the rebel pilot Luke Skywalker joins the conversation, recognizing them as friends of Dr. Aphra. He mentions that he had met Dr. Aphra on a couple of occasions. Tolvan recognizes Skywalker as the farmboy the Rebel Alliance promoted to Commander for destroying the Death Star.
Skywalker informs them that they have completed debriefing the spy, Thassilio, who revealed that someone had sabotaged the Empire's computers, hindering their search for the rebel base. He says that Thassilio reveals that the culprit was a human woman with archaeotech expertise who was traveling with two droids. Skywalker reports that this delayed the Imperial search efforts by two weeks, providing them with sufficient time to establish Echo Base's deflector shields and finalize their evacuation plans. Skywalker states that this reinforces his belief that she was on the side of good.
After Skywalker departs, Tolvan contemplates whether to inform him that Dr. Aphra also saved the Emperor's life. Korin advises against it, stating that nothing is more disheartening to a dreamer than reality. Vulaada remarks that it is cold outside but admits that is pretty with so many worlds out there. Korin wonders if Aphra is settling on a new world to stay out of trouble. Vulaada quips that Aphra is settling down to make some. Tolvan disagrees, opining that Aphra is somewhere in between.