Farstey, a restless planet situated in the Expansion Region, became the location of a flight school for Senator Mon Mothma's organized rebellion against the Galactic Empire. In a communication sent to General Jan Dodonna sometime between 4 BBY and 3 BBY, Commander Jun Sato of the rebel forces suggested that the flight school should utilize RZ-1T trainers. By approximately 3 ABY, the Imperial Security Bureau harbored suspicions that Farstey was a hub of activity for the Rebel Alliance, which had since been formalized.
Residing within the Expansion Region, Farstay was a terrestrial planet.
During the time of the Galactic Empire, Farstey remained largely uninhabited. However, it eventually transformed into the site of a flight school for an organized rebellion against the Empire, secretly masterminded by Senator Mon Mothma. Sometime between 4 BBY and 3 BBY, Commander Jun Sato of the rebellion dispatched a message to General Jan Dodonna, explaining how useful he considered the RZ-1T trainer to be in certifying bush pilots for A-wing starfighters, and noting that the flight schools located at Farstey and the astronomical object Homon could benefit from having models of the former, if they were available.

In 2 BBY, a map of the galaxy was created, marking the rebellion's safe worlds, starfighter hubs at level five or higher, operational headquarters, shadow planets, and hidden space caches. Farstey was identified as one of three starfighter hubs with a level of five or higher, alongside Homon and the planet Tierfon. Both the map and Sato's message to Dodonna were eventually gathered by archivist Hendri Underholt, who incorporated them into a collection of non-electronic documents titled The Rebel Files. The rebellion was officially formalized as the Rebel Alliance later in 2 BBY.
Around 3 ABY, the Empire started to suspect potential rebel activities occurring on Farstey. It was among several unsettled planets that were flagged in a report by the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), which designated targets for surveys by Viper probe droid by comparing areas with a high incidence of suspicious activity to the unsettled regions of the galaxy favored by the Rebel Alliance. These targets were indicated on a galactic map within a summary report penned by ISB Agent Andressa Divo, where Farstey was incorrectly placed within the Inner Rim Territories.

Farstey was integrated into the current Star Wars canon through a mention in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, written by Daniel Wallace. Originating from the Star Wars Legends continuity, Farstey was initially mentioned in "Extract of Minutes from the 251st Meeting of the Alliance High Command," a brief companion narrative within the 1990 The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, authored by Paul Murphy and published as part of West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.
While Star Wars: The Rebel Files situates Farstey in the Expansion Region, Pablo Hidalgo's 2018 reference book Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious instead identifies the world as part of the Inner Rim Territories. In accordance with the Star Wars Legends map placement of the Farstey system, and consequently Farstey, via the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas's Online Companion on StarWars.com, this article considers the placement of Farstey in the Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious map to be inaccurate.