Gavi's shuttle

Gavi Takitaken's Nihil escape shuttle was found crashed in the Lonisa City Zoo on Valo, a planet, having met its fate by 229 BBY. The Jedi youngling, Gavi, came across the downed shuttle and surmised, based on the damage, that it had been brought down during the Nihil marauders' attack on the Republic Fair which occurred two and a half years prior. Gavi, in hiding on Valo with fellow younglings Kildo and Tep Tep, desired to use the shuttle for escape, but its limited capacity prevented them all from fitting. Unable to make such a choice, Gavi kept the shuttle's existence a secret, repairing it in secret whenever the opportunity arose.

One month after Gavi's discovery, the three younglings encountered Ram Jomaram, a Jedi Padawan resisting the Nihil's occupation of Valo, and learned that their former friend Driggit Parse had joined the marauders. Despite restoring much of the shuttle's functionality, Gavi remained conflicted about who should receive it. Zyle Keem, a young pirate seeking to steal bacta from the sunken Innovator who had joined their group, the Scarlet Skulls, discovered Gavi's secret but promised to keep it.

However, the Nihil's discovery of their location and subsequent assault, led by the scientist Niv Drendow Apruk and his Nameless, Grendrek, forced Gavi to reveal the shuttle. As the Nameless weakened his fellow Jedi, Gavi fled to retrieve the shuttle. He returned to rescue the others simultaneously with V-18, Jomaram's droid, who arrived to provide assistance. With Kildo and Keem boarding the shuttle while the others climbed onto V-18, the group managed to escape the Nihil. The revelation of the secret hurt Kildo and led to Gavi confessing his feelings for him.

Later, the Scarlet Skulls used Gavi's shuttle, alongside Jomaram's Eviscerator, to raid the Innovator at the bottom of Lake Lonisa. Following a battle with the Nihil aboard the Innovator that resulted in the vessel flooding, the group planned to leave on their two ships. However, Parse and Apruk hijacked Gavi's shuttle and fled, compelling the Scarlet Skulls to use the entire Innovator to escape from the lake. Parse piloted the shuttle away from Valo and out of the Rseik sector, after which Apruk decided to head to the Korvix Vorn penal ship. Hoping for a chance to strike back against the Nihil, Parse stated she would go with him and activated the shuttle's hyperdrive.

