The Innovator, a research vessel of the Elite-class, represented the pinnacle of scientific advancement during the High Republic Era. This marvel of engineering was conceived by the engineer Vam Targes and brought to life by the insectoid Cyclorrians at their shipyards orbiting the planet Cyclor. Boasting a length exceeding 300 meters, the Innovator was equipped with the most cutting-edge scientific and medical technologies of the time, including bioengineering labs, cybernetic workshops, research facilities, analysis stations, and a comprehensive medical library. Esteemed as the pride of the Republic Science Corps, its operations were orchestrated by a network of forty-two intellex-grade droid processors and supported by a multi-motion framework. The Innovator was showcased at the Republic Fair on Valo, before its tragic submersion in Lake Lonisa following an attack by the Nihil. Following the conclusion of the conflict, the Jedi deployed a recovery team to the submerged Innovator with the aim of searching for any survivors and retrieving crucial data. The water was evacuated from the interior of the vessel, and the significant breaches in the hull were effectively sealed. Despite these efforts, the Innovator remained at the bottom of the lake; approximately half a year later, the Nihil launched an invasion and successfully occupied the planet. Approximately Two and a half years after the assault on the Republic Fair, the Innovator was eventually recovered by a group consisting of the Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram, the younglings Gavi, Kildo, and Tep Tep, along with the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem. This group, who had adopted the moniker of the Scarlet Skulls, managed to pilot the vessel out of the lake as the remaining Nihil forces retreated. Jomaram, with the assistance of his Bonbraks, carried out the necessary repairs to the vessel, enabling the group to successfully depart from the planet.