Gudb, a male gangster and a menace to the Stenness star system, acted on behalf of the formidable Hutt known as Great Bogga. Within Bogga's enforcer gang, composed of various sentient beings, Gudb held the position of chief henchman, enforcing Bogga's commands throughout Stenness. He also kept a pet gorm worm named Skritch, with whom he had fought numerous adversaries, including, at times, the Jedi. In the year 3999 BBY, Gudb and his gang crossed paths with the Human Jedi Andur Sunrider and his family at the Stenness Hyperspace Terminal. Gudb was under orders to steal a collection of Adegan lightsaber crystals from them. He ended up killing Sunrider, but Nomi, the Jedi's widow, picked up his lightsaber and drove Gudb away without the crystals, felling two of Gudb's allies in the process.
Following his defeat, he went back to Bogga's stronghold. The Hutt decided to accompany Gudb on his subsequent mission to the planet Ambria, where Nomi had sought refuge and become the apprentice of a Jedi Master there. Upon their arrival, Gudb and his thugs were confronted by the Vultan Jedi Oss Wilum, whom they overpowered and were about to kill. However, they were thwarted when Wilum's Master, Thon, intervened, using his considerable power in the Force to overwhelm them. Bogga later dispatched Gudb and his gang back to Ambria to attack the Jedi again and retrieve the crystals. Gudb's forces would have been successful, had they not been ambushed by the same timid woman from the hyperspace terminal. She used Jedi battle meditation to confuse Gudb's men and cut them down with her lightsaber. Rather than confront Nomi Sunrider once more, Gudb chose to flee Ambria and face the wrath of Bogga the Hutt.

Gudb operated as a pirate within the Stenness star system, working for the local crime lord, a Hutt known as Great Bogga. While Bogga held court in his private residence on the moon of Vo Dasha, his gang of thugs, led by Gudb, frequented the local hyperspace terminal. There, Gudb and his crew engaged in acts of piracy, preying on unsuspecting travelers. He often worked with his pet gorm worm, Skritch, whose poisonous bite Gudb used as a weapon. Over time, Gudb and Skritch encountered many enemies, including several Jedi. Through these encounters, Gudb discovered that disrupting a Jedi's concentration made them vulnerable and easier to defeat.
In 3999 BBY, Gudb, along with two of Bogga's other enforcers, Quanto and Rek, monitored the space station's comm traffic at Stenness, searching for potential victims. They saw several opportunities, including the arrival of a ship carrying a significant load of spice from Kessel, which Quanto wanted to pursue. Gudb rejected this, noting that the ship's docking bay was on the opposite side of the station, making interception nearly impossible. He was also uninterested in the arrival of two aristocrats aboard a pleasure yacht from the Empress Teta system. Gudb's interest piqued when he noticed the arrival of a third ship carrying Jedi Knight Andur Sunrider and his family, who possessed valuable Adegan crystals. Knowing Bogga would be interested in the crystals, Gudb ordered Quanto to distract the Jedi while he sought instructions from the Hutt.
Bogga viewed the crystals as leverage for a deal with a client and tasked Gudb with stealing them. He warned Gudb to be cautious of the Jedi's abilities, but Gudb was confident with Quanto, Rek, and Skritch by his side. They ambushed the family, encountering their service droid, A-3DO, first. As Quanto and Rek confronted the droid, Gudb blended into the crowd, prompting Sunrider to intervene. Gudb positioned himself behind Sunrider and ordered Skritch to attack, filling his poison sacs. The gorm worm bit Sunrider on the neck, injecting venom into his bloodstream. Sunrider struggled briefly before succumbing to the poison and dying. Gudb demanded the crystals from Sunrider's wife, Nomi, threatening her with the same fate. The seemingly delusional woman began to speak with someone unseen and shocked Gudb by picking up her husband's lightsaber, bisecting Quanto and then cutting down Rek. With his comrades dead, Gudb realized the fight was evenly matched and doubted his chances against the female Sunrider. He fled to report his failure to Great Bogga.

Bogga was displeased with Gudb's empty-handed return. Gudb tried to explain how the Jedi's wife killed Quanto and Rek, but Bogga remained unmoved. He considered feeding Gudb to his pet Hssiss dragon, Ktriss, who salivated at the sight of the enforcer. Gudb begged for another chance, and Bogga granted it, but this time, Bogga would accompany Gudb.
Months later, Bogga learned that Sunrider had fled to Ambria, a desolate planet in the Stenness Node of the Inner Rim. Gudb, Bogga, and the remaining enforcers boarded Bogga's personal dreadnaught, Enforcer One, and headed for Ambria. Upon arrival, Gudb and the enforcers went to the camp where Sunrider was staying. They infiltrated her ship, the Lightside Explorer, where Gudb surprised A-3D0, the same droid from Stenness' space station. When the droid refused to give up the crystals, Gudb shot him with his blaster rifle, disabling him. He concluded that the crystals were not on the ship and went to the nearby Jedi camp.
Outside the Jedi compound, Gudb and the enforcers encountered a herd of staga beasts and began killing them on Bogga's orders. This drew the attention of the Vultan Oss Wilum, who defended his cattle. Gudb fired at him while another enforcer blindsided him, knocking him down. As Gudb prepared to execute Wilum, his Jedi Master, the Tchuukthai named Thon, charged from the compound. Gudb and the enforcers fired at Thon, who repelled their shots with the Force. Bogga ordered a retreat, recognizing the Jedi's power as insurmountable.

In Bogga's palace on Vo Dasha, Gudb was ordered to prepare Enforcer One for another trip to Ambria to recover the crystals. Bogga also provided him with Mandalorian manacles, believed to restrain even a Jedi Master. Gudb was sworn to succeed, or Bogga would feed him to Ktriss. He was sent with many of Bogga's enforcers to capture the Jedi and the Adegan crystals.
Arriving outside the Jedi's camp in one of Bogga's armored skiffs, Gudb and his team spotted Thon, Sunrider, and her child and attacked, destroying their hut with missiles. They positioned the skiff between the Jedi and their ship, the Lightside Explorer, and Gudb led the ground assault to find the crystals. Their blaster fire chased off the protocol droid and forced Thon to surrender. After capturing him, Gudb announced he had found the Adegan crystals. He implied that Bogga would favor him for completing the mission, angering the other enforcers, who felt he took credit for their work. Gudb rebuked them and seized the crystals, causing them to confront him for their share. Gudb and the enforcers fought each other, unknowingly affected by Nomi Sunrider's battle meditation technique. Gudb realized the manipulation as the Jedi woman charged with a lightsaber and fled. He believed Bogga's wrath would be greater than Sunrider's once he learned that his men were defeated by two Jedi. He rallied the enforcers for a final charge, but they were defeated by Sunrider and Thon, who was freed during the chaos. Gudb ordered a full retreat, preferring Bogga's anger to the Jedi's strength.

Gudb was a short, rat-faced being with large ears, black eyes, and tan fur. He wore a brown tunic, hat, and loincloth, with a utility belt holding his blaster pistol. He was often seen with his green pet gorm worm, Skritch, around his neck. He was witty and spoke in Galactic Standard Basic slang, though he understood Huttese but wasn't fluent. Gudb was bossy, often ordering around Bogga's other enforcers, like Quanto and Rek. He valued Skritch and bragged about their exploits.
Gudb was an opportunistic criminal, seizing chances to improve his position, such as when he tried to keep the Adegan crystals. He acted tough before his fellow enforcers but was subservient to Great Bogga, even stuttering and groveling when threatened.
Gudb disrespected women, children, and anyone he considered weaker. He used intimidation and threats against those he saw as lesser opponents. He showed no compassion, refusing Nomi Sunrider a moment of grief after her husband's murder. Gudb was aggressive, but retreated when the odds were against him. He believed a fair fight meant he had superior numbers and weapons, and preferred to disengage rather than risk defeat against an equal opponent.

Gudb could handle blaster weapons and operate communications and starship equipment. He was cunning and claimed to have bested Jedi in combat. He could undermine a Jedi's concentration, as he did with Andur Sunrider. He also used Skritch's poisonous bite to surprise enemies. He preferred to have Skritch with him and regretted not bringing him into battle once.
Gudb knew the power of a lightsaber, having seen Quanto bisected by one. He recognized it as a superior weapon and retreated when faced with it. He couldn't manipulate the Force and didn't understand it, only knowing that it was an energy field he couldn't penetrate, like Thon's Force shield. He was also influenced by the Force, succumbing to Nomi Sunrider's battle meditation, which caused the enforcers to fight each other.
Gudb debuted in the third issue of Tom Veitch's Tales of the Jedi comic miniseries, "The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 1." He also appeared in the following issue, "The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 2." Gudb was later featured in the audio adaptation of the Tales of the Jedi series, where his exploits are explored in more detail. However, Gudb's role and appearance differ greatly between the comic and audio versions as The Saga of Nomi Sunrider progresses.

Initially, the inconsistencies are limited to minor changes in dialogue. The first significant visible difference is how Gudb is drawn. Originally penciled by artist Janine Johnston, Gudb is shown as a short, fur-covered, rat-faced being. The audio rendition seems to agree with at least his proportions as well; at one point of the story, Bogga states that his pet Ktriss, a Hssiss dragon, could swallow Gudb "in one gulp." By his second appearance, Gudb is drawn by David Roach, and his features become more humanoid. He appears much taller and slimmer than before, though still with tan fur. His ears are pointed rather than disc-shaped, and he is also conspicuously without his hat. Along with his utility belt, he wears a bandolier of sorts and is equipped with a combat knife. In The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Gudb's physical traits are canonized as the original short, rat-faced portrayal.
It is also in the second issue of The Saga of Nomi Sunrider that Bogga commissions a new character, pirate Finhead Stonebone, with the recovery of the Adegan crystals. In the comic, Gudb's story ends here; however, his role is continued in the audio drama, where Finhead Stonebone makes no appearance. Gudb instead retains his position as Bogga's primary henchmen and is sent to Ambria. In the audio version, Gudb's character is given all the dialogue and performs all the activities originally attributed to Finhead Stonebone in the comic.
Gudb is indirectly mentioned in The Essential Chronology, Power of the Jedi Sourcebook, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide, The Official Star Wars Fact File 67, and Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force as one of Bogga's enforcers who participated in Andur Sunrider's murder.