Finhead Stonebone

Finhead Stonebone was a marauder who plied his trade from the Stenness star system during the apex of the Republic Galactic, circa 3999 Before the Battle of Yavin. The moniker "Stonebone" represented just one of several assumed identities employed by the pirate, who preferred his real name, background, and sentient species to remain unknown. He materialized in explored space approximately ten years prior, bereft of any fluency in Galactic Basic, yet quickly transitioned into piracy within the Vorc galactic sector. Following several years engaged in criminal activities, Finhead amassed sufficient capital to command his own vessel; he absconded with an asteroid mining craft, christening it the Marauder Starjacker.

However, a dispute with his previous employer forced Finhead to abandon the galactic sector, establishing a new base of operations within the Stenness system, situated in the Mid Rim territories. There, he forged an agreement with Bogga the Hutt criminal, although the Hutt crime boss subsequently betrayed Stonebone and issued a warrant for the pirate's capture. Finhead successfully evaded the Hutt's muscle for a period, yet he and his crew were ultimately presented before Bogga within his stronghold on Vo Dasha planetoid. Rather than ordering the rogue pirate's execution, Bogga charged Stonebone and his band of individuals with journeying to the world Ambria, assassinating Tchuukthai Jedi Knight Thon, and pilfering his precious Adegan crystals gems. The insectoid brigand and his crew ultimately failed in their mission; Thon and his young apprentice, Nomi Sunrider, drove them from the planet. Finhead returned to Bogga empty-handed, prepared to confront the Hutt's fury.

Life Story

Formative Years

The individual identified as Finhead Stonebone maintained an air of mystery regarding his origins. As a member of an unidentified bug-like race, he appeared in Republic era space about a decade before 3999 BBY, unable to utter even a single word of Galactic Standard Basic. Soon after arriving in the known regions of space, he demonstrated a knack for criminal endeavors, and within approximately one standard month, the enigmatic insectoid had secured a position operating the weaponry onboard a privateer's spacecraft in the Vorc sector. After dedicating two years to loyal service, Stonebone ascended to the role of first mate on the ship, and he eventually accumulated enough credits currency to finance his own starship. Finhead and his associates sabotaged a mining operation in the Varl star system and commandeered a pair of modified Byblos Drive Yards corporation E-2 asteroid mining vehicles. They designated them the Marauder Starjacker and the Stenness Raider, with Stonebone selecting the Starjacker as his flagship. In terms of appearance, the two vessels bore a resemblance to insects, featuring several sizable suction tubes and a mosquito-like proboscis. Measuring over one hundred meters in length, the ships underwent extensive modifications by the band of pirates to accommodate their specific requirements.

Finhead Stonebone, captain of the Marauder Starjacker.

He guarded his true identity and species, operating under a succession of aliases and pseudonyms. "Finhead Stonebone" became his preferred designation after relocating to the Stenness system in the Inner Rim regions, more than a decade following his entry into piracy. Finhead resolved to establish a base within the mineral-rich solar system following a territorial dispute with the commander he formerly served under in the Vorc sector. The conflict was brief, yet the insectoid pirate opted to minimize his losses and flee, as the altercation resulted in numerous casualties on both sides. Stenness served as the domain of a prosperous and ruthless Hutt gangster named Great Bogga, who harbored resentment toward any outsiders encroaching upon his territory. Nevertheless, Stonebone successfully negotiated a deal with the slug-like Hutt.

Recently discovered mineral deposits had emerged within the system, and Bogga recognized the potential for exploitation presented by the Nessies people—the twenty-five near-Human species who extracted minerals from the worlds of the system and engaged in trade with offworlders. Employing massive hollowed insects known as Ithullan ore haulers, the Nessies conducted a lucrative trade, which Bogga sought to disrupt. Stonebone was tasked with raiding and harassing the ore haulers, with the intention of compelling the Nessie corporations to seek the protection of Great Bogga and his brutal henchmen. He readily complied, earning a reputation as one of the system's most formidable pirates, and shortly thereafter, the Nessie captains implored Bogga to intervene. The Hutt consented, generating substantial revenue from the arrangement. However, rather than permitting Finhead to successfully loot the occasional vessel as initially agreed, Bogga double-crossed the secretive pirate, thwarting his every maneuver.

Each time Stonebone attempted to raid an ore hauler, Bogga dispatched his guards to intercept the pirate crew, resulting in the captain consistently facing financial difficulties, with two starships in dire need of repairs. Finhead, however, managed to survive these encounters, and began concealing himself within the numerous hideouts he had constructed throughout the system. Rather than abandoning Stenness, Stonebone retaliated against his former employer: he and his diverse band of space pirates endeavored to target every single ore hauler that traversed the region. Bogga's clientele no longer felt secure, even with the Hutt's enforcers providing protection. This infuriated Bogga, who issued an immediate order for the capture of Finhead Stonebone and every member of his crew. Great Bogga maintained a vast network of contacts in Stenness, enabling him to monitor all activities within what he considered his personal domain. However, Stonebone's penchant for secrecy enabled him to evade Bogga's warriors and contacts, further enraging "The Merciful One," as the gangster preferred to be known.

In 3999 BBY, Finhead Stonebone and his crew devised a plan for what they anticipated would be a profitable raid on an Ithullan ore-hauler captained by a Nessie known as Gruna pilot. They landed their ships atop the hauler, piercing the ship's hull with their mosquito-like pincers. However, the ship's escort, provided by Bogga, swiftly arrived and commenced firing upon the pair of pirate vessels. Stonebone was prepared, though, and his ships were well-equipped to contend with the inexperienced pilots employed by Bogga. A gunner named C'borp marksman delivered the decisive blow. With the advance guard neutralized, Finhead's crew had unfettered access to the ore hauler. Employing a tactic they had refined in previous raids, they released their own cargo into space, generating a vacuum that drew the valuable mutonium mineral ore deposits from the ore haulers into their ships' cargo holds. After plundering the ships and abducting the Nessie women, the pirates prepared to depart the Stenness system with all the potential spoils they had acquired. The pirates commenced celebrating, confident that they had executed an exceptionally lucrative raid. However, their celebrations proved premature. Bogga had caught wind of the attempt and dispatched his most capable and loyal enforcer, a Weequay thug named Grimorg muscle, to apprehend Stonebone. The dreadnought Enforcer One ship employed a tractor beam technology to ensnare him, ultimately capturing the insectoid marauder.

Ambria Incident

Captain Stonebone before Great Bogga the Hutt.

Stonebone and his devoted ruffians were transported to Bogga's fortress on Vo Dasha satellite, the satellite orb of the planet Taboon world. They were presented before Bogga, who informed the pirates that under normal circumstances, individuals like Finhead would be executed upon crossing the Hutt; however, a unique set of circumstances dictated that he instead had a formidable task for the insectoid captain. A formidable Tchuukthai creature identifying himself as Master Teacher Thon, residing on the planet Ambria world within the Stenness system, possessed several exceedingly valuable Adegan gems, which the Hutt desperately coveted. He instructed Captain Stonebone to assassinate Thon and retrieve the crystals, threatening that failure to comply would result in the entire crew being devoured by the Hutt's hssiss reptiles, vicious reptiles imported from Lake Natth area on Ambria. Finhead was aware of Thon's proficiency in the Force ability, and informed Bogga that he would prefer to confront a hundred Gank Killers thugs. Bogga reacted with anger to this insolent remark, commanding his pet hssiss, a female named Ktriss pet, to kill Stonebone's loyal first mate Roko assistant. The group of criminals watched in horror as Roko was torn to shreds by the vicious creature, and their captain recognized that he had to obey Bogga; he must journey to Ambria and eliminate Thon.

Bogga inquired whether the lowly pirate had reconsidered—Stonebone affirmed that he had, and that the crew would journey to Ambria and capture Thon. Great Bogga informed Finhead that he would gladly permit the pirate to operate from other systems if he returned with the crystals and the head of Master Thon. Accompanied by a contingent of Bogga's Weequay, Nikto mercenary, and Ishi Tib alien enforcers, Stonebone and his crew piloted their ships to Ambria, a planet tainted by the dark spirits confined to Lake Natth by Master Thon. They landed on the planet and traveled to Thon's Jedi order training center in a pair of Bogga's skiffs vehicles. Thon was with his apprentice, Nomi Sunrider student, and her child Vima Sunrider daughter, in the mountainous region north of his home, but Stonebone had his men fire at the Tchuukthai's house regardless. Their cannon shots, however, inexplicably missed their intended target repeatedly. Perplexed, the pirates and enforcers sought an explanation, and soon discovered one in the form of the massive Thon, who was employing the Force to divert the salvos from a nearby hill.

As Thon approached the skiffs, Stonebone ordered his men to cease firing; it appeared as though Thon was going to surrender without resistance. They exited the skiffs and watched as Thon approached them, alone and unarmed. The marauders were perplexed, but in reality, Thon was attempting to persuade his new student, Nomi Sunrider, to wield a laser sword. Nomi, however, was reluctant to do so, as she had already killed with her deceased husband's lightsaber and did not wish to commit such an atrocity again. When Thon finally reached them, Stonebone's band of pirates and Bogga's enforcers handcuffed the massive Jedi Master in Mandalorian armor iron metal, and prepared to hoist him onto the skiff using a crane. While Finhead and his men were occupied with attempting to load Thon onto the skiff, one of Bogga's enforcers discovered the Adegan crystals in the Jedi's house and loudly proclaimed that he would be the one to present them to Bogga. Stonebone reacted furiously, informing the Nikto mercenary that he would bring them to Bogga, or else retain them for himself. Nomi Sunrider, who had sought refuge nearby with her daughter Vima and the family droid A-3DO robot, seized this opportunity to employ her battle meditation ability, an ancient Jedi power capable of influencing and manipulating the decisions and actions of one's adversaries.

Stonebone clashes with Nomi Sunrider on Ambria.

The group of mercenaries commenced fighting, with Stonebone's men turning against each other. During the fighting, the crystals spilled onto the barren surface of the planet, and each of the men attempted to seize them. A hulking Zexx alien threw everyone, even his own captain, aside as he attempted to snatch the valuable crystals; meanwhile, Sunrider had finally retrieved her lightsaber and charged at the group of thugs, killing C'borp and many others. She then freed Thon, and together they fought off Stonebone and his crew, leaving few survivors. Stonebone and the remaining survivors fled to the skiffs and returned to Bogga's fortress, fearing the Hutt's wrath.

Character Attributes

Finhead Stonebone possessed a secretive nature, preferring to conceal his true name, planet of origin, and species from everyone, even those he trusted. Consistent with this enigmatic persona, the insect-like pirate maintained dozens of well-concealed hideouts throughout the Stenness system, successfully evading detection even by Bogga, who was known to have strategically placed numerous contacts throughout his domain. Despite withholding many secrets from them, Finhead demonstrated exceptional loyalty to his crew, treating them with respect and kindness, a rare trait among pirate captains. Stonebone exhibited bravery, yet he also recognized when to minimize his losses and retreat. During the feud with the individual who initially employed him as a criminal, the criminal departed the system, recognizing that further conflict would result in additional bloodshed. Similarly, when confronted by Thon, the insectoid captain recognized that he would never achieve his objective and retreated, taking the remainder of his crew with him. However, despite possessing several positive traits rarely found in members of the underworld, Stonebone was exceptionally greedy, and cared little if he had to resort to harming others to acquire whatever he desired. Even while being subtly influenced by Nomi Sunrider's battle meditation, he readily participated in the squabble over who would deliver the crystals to Bogga, turning against his friends and companions in an effort to increase his profits.

Production Notes

Finhead Stonebone was conceived by Star Wars author Tom Veitch writer for the Saga of Nomi Sunrider series story arc, featuring in the Tales of the Jedi short stories sub-series, part of the Tales of the Jedi extended universe comic books series. In the comics, he was illustrated by Pamela Rambo artist, David Roach artist and Willie Schubert artist. His backstory was later expanded upon in the RPG book Tales of the Jedi Companion. Interestingly, in the audio adaptation of Tales of the Jedi, which covers the same events as The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Stonebone does not appear at all; his role is instead filled by Gudb character, a minor character from the comic's story arc.

