Roko served as the first mate for the pirate Captain Finhead Stonebone during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. Operating from the Stenness Node, Stonebone's pirate crew terrorized Ithullian ore haulers that were traveling through the area. They would attack these haulers and steal the precious mutonium ore that they were transporting. Back in 3999 BBY, Roko and the pirate team launched an ambush on one particular ore hauler commanded by Captain Gruna. Despite the ship being guarded by minions working for the local crime lord Bogga the Hutt, the defenses of the ship failed. Roko and a group of pirates boarded the ship with the intent to loot it and steal its ore. However, they were taken by surprise when Bogga's enormous dreadnought, known as Enforcer One, suddenly appeared. The dreadnought used its tractor beam to capture the pirate ship Marauder Starjacker, taking Roko, Stonebone, and the other pirates prisoner. They were then transported to Bogga's estate located on the moon Vo Dasha. There, Bogga offered Stonebone and his crew their freedom in exchange for completing a task for him. When Stonebone refused, Bogga sicced his pet hssiss named Ktriss on Roko, and the creature quickly killed them in a brutal attack.

In the years preceding the Great Sith War, Roko was a member of the pirate gang led by Captain Finhead Stonebone. Stonebone held Roko in high regard, eventually promoting them to the position of first mate. Operating out of the Stenness Node area, Stonebone's pirate group primarily focused on stealing ore from Ithullian ore haulers that were transporting their cargo through the region to the Stenness Hyperspace Terminal. In 3999 BBY, the gang targeted a specific ore hauler commanded by Gruna, which was carrying valuable mutonium ore. Aboard their ship, the Marauder Starjacker, Roko and the pirates emerged from hyperspace and initiated an attack on the ship.
Despite the ore hauler's defenses by an underling working for the local crime lord Bogga the Hutt, the pirate gunner named C'borp successfully cleared a path for Roko and a boarding party to enter the ore hauler and begin siphoning the ore. The pirates breached the ship's hull, and Roko, along with several other pirates, descended into the disabled ore hauler. Roko and the pirates were pleased with their success, and Roko even took a member of the ship's crew as a prisoner. However, their joy was short-lived, as Bogga the Hutt's warship called Enforcer One quickly arrived at the scene. The Enforcer One used a tractor beam to ensnare the Marauder Starjacker, capturing the entire pirate gang. The pirate ship was then pulled into the massive dreadnought's hangar, where Roko and their fellow crewmembers found themselves surrounded by a group of Weequay and Nikto enforcers, who were led by Grimorg, one of Bogga's top men.

The pirate gang was ordered to disembark from their ship and were subsequently transported to Bogga's private estate on the moon Vo Dasha. Stonebone was personally brought before Bogga, who presented him with an offer: he and his pirate associates would be granted their freedom if they could retrieve a lost shipment of valuable Adegan crystals from Jedi Master Thon, Bogga's sworn enemy. When Stonebone refused, Roko, who was in chains, was brought out into the estate's courtyard. Bogga then unleashed his pet hssiss named Ktriss on the terrified Roko. Although Roko pleaded with Stonebone for assistance, the pirate captain was unable to help his first mate. Instead, he told Roko that they had been the best first mate he had ever had. Ktriss then swiftly and brutally killed Roko. Roko's horrific death ultimately convinced Stonebone to assist Bogga in recovering the crystals.
Roko had tan skin. Roko and Finhead Stonebone had a very strong bond. Stonebone even said that Roko was the best first mate he ever had before they died. Roko was close with the pirate captain and always addressed Stonebone by his title as a sign of respect. Roko was enthusiastic and skilled as a pirate, especially when storming the ore hauler in the Stenness Node. However, Roko became scared when faced with the clear threat posed by the angry Ktriss, and they desperately begged Stonebone for help.
The character of Roko first appeared in the fourth issue of the Tales of the Jedi comic book series. The issue was written by Tom Veitch, illustrated by David Roach, and released on January 18, 1994.