Han Solo 4

Han Solo Issue #4 represents the fourth installment in the five-part comic book miniseries, Star Wars: Han Solo, presented by Marvel. This particular issue saw its release on October 12, 2016, and was penned by Marjorie Liu, complemented by the artistic contributions of Mark Brooks.

Summary Provided by the Publisher

  • A Rebellion traitor is hiding aboard Han's ship, the Falcon! [1]
  • Can he discern their identity before becoming a victim? [1]
  • Most importantly, can he continue participating in the Dragon Void race?!? [1]

Narrative Breakdown

Past Issues Resurface

Dorae, a spy working for the Rebel Alliance, confronts Han Solo and Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon, brandishing a blaster due to Solo's alleged killing of her "baby." Solo clarifies that the "baby" was a recently hatched rathtar that posed an immediate threat to his life. Dorae retorts that Solo intended to steal the creature, which she needed to settle debts with influential figures. Chewbacca's actions prevented her from offering the necessary bribes, resulting in a loss of protection and subsequent "dire consequences."

Solo acknowledges the prevalence of "dire consequences" in their lives but offers himself as a target to atone for his actions. Bot intervenes, preventing Dorae from harming Solo and accusing the alien of treachery. Dorae expresses confusion, clarifying that Bot was referring to the other pilots. Nowk Asil, a Twi'lek pilot, demands that everyone lower their weapons, while Loo Re Anno voices her relief that Solo is still alive. Sotna Reat emphasizes their tight schedule, while Asil suggests eliminating all belligerents and returning to their vessel.

Loo Re Anno criticizes Solo for introducing unnecessary "drama" into the race, revealing that his witness expressed concern for Solo's safety and alerted her. Solo expresses annoyance and instructs her to tell the "bright orb" to mind its own business. Dorae comments on the novelty of Twi'lek pilots, suggesting that they should be dancing for their masters. Asil takes offense, while Solo admonishes Dorae for her disrespectful remarks towards the Twi'leks.

Solo orders the other pilots to disembark from his ship. Asil expresses indignation, stating that they only came out of respect for Loo Re Anno. Sotna reminds Solo that the Dragon Void Run prohibits passengers. Asil accuses Solo of using the race as a cover for smuggling activities. Loo Re Anno defends Solo, asserting that he is not foolish enough to do so. As the Twi'leks depart, Loo Re Anno invites Solo to accompany her. Solo agrees, instructing Chewbacca to guard the ship.

A Private Exchange with Loo Re Anno

In a secluded setting, Loo Re Anno inquires about Solo's knowledge of the Dragon Void Run. Solo acknowledges its status as the galaxy's oldest race, attracting the most skilled pilots. He believes that winning the race will secure his financial future. Loo Re Anno reveals that her grandmother was a founding member of the Dragon Void Run. As a cartographer, her grandmother possessed a love for fast ships. Her grandmother aimed to establish a community of racers who would challenge each other and grow together. She further explains that the Dragon Void Race transformed her people's culture and fostered unity. Loo Re Anno concludes that the Dragon Void Run is a sacred tradition that encourages them to expand their aspirations for what individuals can achieve.

When Solo seeks clarification, she tells him that the stars are in his blood. Everything he is and has been can be distilled into that one fact. Solo disagrees, believing that he is merely an ordinary individual and a skilled pilot. Solo thinks he is lucky that he is not special. Loo Re Anno suspects that Solo is risking his life for a specific purpose and asks why he is participating in the race. As she leaves Solo to contemplate his motives, Solo apologizes and inquires whether Loo Re Anno is the last of her kind and lacks other companions to fly with. Loo Re Anno points out that she is flying with Solo. She concludes that they are all the last of something and suggests that he is part of a dying breed as well.

The Rebel Informants

Han Solo addresses the rebel informants in the passenger area, expressing relief that the threat of death resolved their issues. Solo warns Dorae against brandishing a blaster at him again. In response to Chewbacca's growl, Solo reminds the Wookiee that Dorae intended to kill him. Dorae claims that they have reconciled while consuming a beverage. She adds that the past is unchangeable and that more pressing matters require their attention.

Dorae addresses Bot, recognizing him as the other informant, and expresses surprise at his stature. Bot expresses his distrust of her. When Solo inquires about Dorae's involvement with the Rebellion, she admits her surprise at seeing Solo and Chewbacca collaborating with the Rebellion, given their usual focus on financial gain. Dorae comments on Chewbacca's soft nature and expresses surprise at Solo's capacity for caring about things other than money. Solo responds this was almost as unlikely as her becoming an altruist.

Dorae explains that she had little choice in working for the Rebellion, as her inability to pay for protection resulted in the loss of everything to the Empire, including her friends. She says that experience gave her new perspective. The race alert sounds, signaling the start of the third leg of the race. Solo announces that they have less than a minute before takeoff. Dorae responds that they are not going anywhere until the last informant arrives.

Bot expresses surprise at the change of plans, prompting Dorae to explain that the Rebellion modified their arrangements and scheduled for the third member of the group to meet them on the sandy planet serving as the second stop of the Dragon Void Race after the encounter with Imperial stormtroopers on the first stop. Dorae instructs Solo to remain here, withdraw from the race, and transport them back to Alliance territories. Solo expresses surprise that Princess Leia has not contacted him. Dorae believes that Leia must have been desperate. As Solo heads to the cockpit, Dorae tells him that his race is over.

As the other ships depart, the announcer warns Solo that he will be disqualified if he does not leave within the next five minutes. Solo returns to the passenger area, where Bot asks if he is giving up. Solo replies that he didn't stand a chance of winning. While the announcer speculates on Solo's motives for pulling out of the race, Bot tells Solo that they need to leave and claims that the second informant can't be trusted. Before Solo can argue, the two hear blaster shots outside.

Outside, a landspeeder is being pursued by an Imperial TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank. While Chewbacca exits the Falcon to meet with the vehicle's passengers, Chewbacca prepares to fire up the engines. The passengers are two hooded figures who say they have been sent by Princess Leia. Chewbacca uses the Falcon's rear cannon to take out the Imperial tank. With seconds to spare, the Falcon takes off and enters the third leg of the Dragon Void Run.

The Third Stage

The Millennium Falcon escapes the planet with three TIE fighters in pursuit. Solo questions why the Imperials are not attempting to damage their ship. Dorae explains that the Imperials intend to capture the spies alive. Solo instructs everyone to fasten their seatbelts as the Falcon enters hyperspace.

Later, in the passenger area, the Falleen U'il greets Chewbacca. Bot asks U'il what she is doing her. U'il explains that she was sent by Princess Leia to fetch the third spy Aran after the "debacle" on his planet. She adds that the stormtroopers ambushed them as they approached the Falcon, suggesting that the traitor must have found a way to alert the Galactic Empire. Solo quickly realizes that one of the spies is a traitor.

Bot immediately accuses Dorae of being the traitor. Dorae disagrees, saying that her pointing a gun at Chewbacca does not make her a traitor. Aran interrupts the conversation to say that their lives are at stake for aiding the Rebellion and that she does not want to die. Han reassures Aran that he and Chewbacca will protect them. Han gets Chewbacca to get the passengers to hand in their weapons. Aran is initially reluctant but complies. When Solo warns that Chewbacca can rip arms off, Bot remarks that Solo is horrible.

After Solo returns to the cockpit, U'il speaks with him. When Solo presses her about address Princess Leia as "her worshipfulness," U'il remarks that Solo is good at pretending to be dumb. Solo disagrees and tells U'il that there is more to her than just being a bodyguard. U'il does not disclose anymore information and tells Solo that she is only interested in getting back to Leia urgently. When U'il asks Solo if he is taking them back to the rebel base, Solo replies that he is not returning until they have figured out how the stormtroopers knew to ambush them at out ship. U'il realizes that Solo wants to stay in the race.

After exiting hyperspace, the Falcon and the other races find their path blocked by two Imperial Star Destroyers and several TIE fighters. U'il warns Solo that they must flee immediately. Loo Re Anno contacts Solo, thanking him for joining them on the last leg of the Dragon Void Run. Solo thinks the race is over but Loo Re Anno disagrees and says that they have come so far and nothing will stop them. Chewbacca roars while Solo tells everyone to strap in. Chewbacca enters the passenger compartment only to find a dead Aran.

Media Releases

Different Versions

  • UPC 759606081455; October 12 , 2016 ; Marvel Comics [4] 00411; Cover A; Olivier Coipel 00421; Cover B; Stephanie Hans 00431; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00441; Cover D; Kirbi Fagan 00451; Cover E; Dustin Nguyen 00461; Cover F; Jamal Campbell

