Han Solo 3

Han Solo #3 represents the third installment in the five-part comic book miniseries Star Wars: Han Solo published by Marvel. Marjorie Liu penned the story for this issue, while Mark Brooks provided the artwork. It was made available on August 31, 2016.

Publisher's summary

  • As the Dragon Void race intensifies, Han's rebel assignment becomes increasingly perilous! [1]
  • Is the Falcon capable of withstanding one of the most demanding journeys it has ever undertaken? [1]
  • Which outcome would be more devastating for Han: disappointing Leia or failing to win a race? [1]

Plot summary

Bailed out

While the racing commentator speculates on the Galactic Empire's reasons for arresting those participating in the Dragon Void Run, Princess Leia Organa and General Airen Cracken are watching the news broadcast on a holoscreen. Cracken assumes that the Empire has discovered their schemes or that the smuggler Han Solo has double-crossed them. Leia stands by Solo, asserting to Cracken that Solo is a resilient individual who will pull through.

As Solo wrestles with his own inner turmoil, the Imperial officer Tomine declares the Dragon Void Run to be over, citing it as a destabilizing event that encourages disorder. He informs the pilots that he recently apprehended local criminals who were engaged in gunfire related to the race. Tomine questions Solo about the crowd chanting his name. Solo replies that he is simply beloved by the people, which he considers a burden. Tomine, however, suspects Solo of being a criminal and dismisses the pilots as "riffraff."

Turning his attention to Loo Re Anno, Tomine contemplates how she managed to become the last surviving member of her species. Loo Re Anno responds that it usually requires assistance. Tomine is also intrigued by the luminous orbs surrounding Loo Re Anno and demands that she dispose of them. Loo Re Anno refuses, explaining that they are living entities. Solo supports Loo Re Anno, assuring the officer that they are merely lights.

Several cloaked figures riding on repulsorlift platforms approach Tomine, criticizing him for delaying the race and insisting on the pilots' release. When Tomine refuses, the leader of the group warns that the sector's refueling stations, which are sponsoring the Dragon Void Race, might retaliate by cutting off services to the Empire. The leader convinces the officer that the race is harmless to everyone except the pilots themselves. In an attempt to avoid a confrontation, Tomine sets the pilots free but cautions them to appreciate it, as it may be the final Dragon Void Race. The organizers then announce the resumption of the race, to the delight of the spectators.

The rebel informant

Upon returning to the Millennium Falcon, Solo encounters Chewbacca, who has successfully rescued the rebel spy Bot, who sustained injuries on the world located at the first checkpoint of the Dragon Void Race. Bot mentions that the Wookiee administered a paralytic to treat his wounds and complains about needing to be rescued.

In the cockpit, Solo informs Chewbacca that they have secured their first informant and that they must continue participating in the race for the mission to succeed. Solo notices that one of Loo Re Anno's luminous orbs has followed them onto the ship. Solo contacts Loo Re Anno and inquires about the bright orb. She avoids answering his question but expresses her gratitude for his intervention in saving the lives of her young companions. Before they enter hyperspace, she tells Solo that they will talk later, as they need to focus on the race.

While traveling through hyperspace, Bot enters the cockpit, expressing his dislike for space travel. When Solo asks if he was paralyzed, the Duros claims that his fear of Solo's incompetence spurred his metabolism into action. Solo remarks that Bot is too anxious to be a rebel informant and asks how he became involved with the Rebellion. When Bot claims he was driven by moral principles, Solo voices his skepticism. Bot retorts that nothing ensures a person's loyalty like facing the barrel of a stormtrooper's weapon.

Bot tells Solo that there is a mole within the rebel spies, but asserts that the mole is not responsible for the killings. He suspects that one of the spies has turned. While only Princess Leia knows their identities and locations, all spies in the network possessed information about each other. Bot adds that they channeled all of their secrets through one individual, who pieced them together to create the map of leaks within the Rebellion. This implies that none of them can identify the moles, and the identity of their master list-holder remains the most closely guarded secret.

Solo assures Bot that possessing this knowledge does not make him a murderer. Bot questions whether Princess Leia is the traitor, but Solo refuses to entertain that notion. Given that an informant is murdering rebel spies, Solo asks Bot how they would know if the killer has already succeeded. Bot responds that if that were the case, Princess Leia would not have dispatched Solo on this mission, as she is the only one who knows the identity of the master-list holder. When Solo asks Bot if he is the master list-holder, the Duros neither confirms nor denies it. Bot states that the traitor is still at large and that only two spies remain, implying that one of them is the murderer. Bot believes that the rescue mission is in jeopardy, but Solo insists that nobody is going to destroy the Falcon.

The second leg

The announcer informs the remaining Dragon Void racers that the second leg requires the starships to travel at 150 Vee-nauts through a debris field for the next 12 hours. This leg will test their speed, agility, and endurance. Solo instructs Bot to buckle up and warns that things are about to get intense. When Bot asks why he is so enthusiastic, Solo explains that a loophole in the race allows disqualified pilots to travel to race plants as a courtesy. He intends to exploit this loophole to retrieve the remaining spies. As the countdown begins, Solo instructs Chewbacca to prepare the accelerators, despite it being against the rules. Solo assures Bot that he can handle it.

The ships spend the next 12 hours navigating the debris field, dodging wreckage and exploding starships. In the 12th hour, the Falcon collides with some debris, damaging its rear deflector. Solo tells Chewbacca to divert more power to the engines. At that moment, Delan Vook's starship uses its grappling hook to attach itself to the Falcon, which he uses to overtake Solo's ship. The remaining Dragon Void pilots enter the atmosphere of a sandy planet where they have been given one hour to make repairs and refuel.

The second spy

After landing the Falcon, Solo instructs Chewbacca to keep the engine running and to inspect the rear deflector while he goes to locate the second spy. The announcer provides live commentary on Solo's decision to leave the airfield. Solo encounters a pair of cam droids, but one of Loo Re Anno's bright orbs disables them, much to Solo's relief. Solo proceeds to the informant's residence and is greeted by a masked figure. Solo hands over a black rebel firebird insignia to the spy. Later, Solo introduces the second spy to Chewbacca. The second spy is revealed to be a vengeful feline alien named Dorae, who is seeking to settle an old score with the Wookiee.


There is an error in which Airen Cracken is incorrectly addressed as an admiral rather than as a general.


